* ABC는 오순절 정통 신학을 교수하여 성령충만한 주의 일꾼을 양성한다
* 1년 3학기제를 실시 하여 수업의 집중력을 높이고 수업일을 단축한다
* 학점 은행제로 7년안에 필수 과목 128학점을 이수하면 졸업할 수 있게한다
* 전교생의 기숙사 생활을 원칙으로 하여 신학과 신앙훈련을 병행한다
* 야간 수업을 오픈하여 직장인등 낮에 수업을 할수 없는 이들에게도 교육의 기회를 제공한다
The college offers the following courses:The Bachelor of Arts in Theology is a 128-credit course. It is designed for those who are called to ministry. Upon graduation, students will be prepared to pursue a graduate degree. The Pastoral Ministry Certificate is designed for pastors or any Christians who do not have a high school degree, but who wish to be ministers or to obtain a theological education.
Bible Required
Apologetics (3) Genesis (3) Hermeneutics (3)John (3) Life of Christ (3) Methods of Bible Study (3)New Testament Survey (3)Old Testament Survey (3)Romans (3) Bible ElectivesActs (3)Bible Exegeses (2)General Epistles (3)Greek I, II (3)Hebrew I, II (3)Hebrews (3) I, II Corinthians (3)Major Prophets (3)Minor Prophets (3)Pastoral Epistles (3)Poetical Books (3)General
Education RequiredComputer I (2)English 1 (3)English 2 (3)English 3 (3)General Psychology (3)Music I (2) Principles of Teaching (3)Research Methods (3)General Education ElectivesComputer II (2)Music II (2)
Theology Required
Holy Spirit (3)Pentecostal Foundation (3)Systematic Theology I (3)Systematic Theology II (3)Systematic Theology III (3)Theology of Mission (3)Theology ElectivesNew Testament Theology (3)Old Testament Theology (3)Church Ministry RequiredChurch Administration (3)Church History (3)Church Planting/Growth (3) Effective Evangelism (3)Foundation of Ministry (3)Homiletics I (3)Homiletics II (3)Leadership Development (3)Pastoral Counseling (3)Perspectives in World Mission (3) ElectivesBiblical Economics (3)Christian Education (3)Christian Ethics (3)Christian Life (3)Discipleship (3)Expository Preaching (3) History of Missions (3)Pentecostal Preaching (3)Philippine Church History (3)Praise and Worship (3)Prayer (3)Religious Cults (3)Yong-gi Cho’s Studies (3)
'신학교 소식' 카테고리의 다른 글
1st ABC Sunday chapel service (0) | 2006.06.21 |
ABC open proclaiming service (0) | 2006.06.21 |
General Admission Requirements Students in ABC (전형안내) (0) | 2006.06.21 |
ABC Personal (0) | 2006.06.21 |
학교 소개 (School Introduction ) (0) | 2006.06.21 |