신학교 소식

Jesus Festival 2009 in La Trinidad

JT Sung 2009. 12. 4. 15:38

The 4th Annual Jesus Festival held last December 1, 2009 at La Trinidad Municipal Gym, 

sponsored by Rev. Song Si Kyung of Hanbit Church, was attended by more than 

1,000 people. 

Participating churches are as follows: 

  ABC Students 

  Harvester Church c/o Ptra Remy Esteban 

  Redeem by the Lord Church c/o Ptr Jerome Labawig 

  Bonifacio AG Church c/o Ptr. Jonathan Torres 

  San Carlos Heights A Church c/o Ptr. John Aban 

  Natubleng Church c/o Ptr. Joshua Balite 

  New Light Ministries c/o Nal 

 To all participants, our deepest appreciation of your continuing support in the endeadvor of our institution. 

May the Lord continue to pour his blessing upon your ministries.