선교지 소식

mount. ministry 10 (Epilogue)

JT Sung 2010. 10. 31. 20:34







군대 천리행군보다 더 빡쎈 산악 선교
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학생 2명이 쓴 산악일기 올립니다...

October 23, 2010 (saturday)
We started our journey, 1 pm after lunch. Our group headed by Ptr. Sung is consist of 6 people, Ptr. Michael, a graduate of ABC, sis. Dorina, sis. Cristine, bro. Marvel and bro. Alex. The first destination was in Butac, Suyo, Ilocos Sur. We picked up sis. Leah and sis Jane along the way in Bitalag, Tagudin, Ilocos sur, also students of ABC, who were supposed to go first on the place we were heading but they found no car to ride on. We arrived in Butac some time around 6 p, we had our dinner then went to Butac Bethel Church to attend their Zone II fellowship. There we met two alumni’s of ABC, Ptr. Dexter Lucio, who was one of their speakers during the event, and Ptra. Emily who was the M.C. during the service. The students presented a song, testified and oferred special songs to the Lord as well. Then finally, Ptr. Sung shared the Word with his topic “The law of sowing and reaping.” After the service, we stayed and rested at the house of Tipalo family.

October 24, 2010 (Sunday)
We had our breakfast at 7 am, then prepared for the Sunday service at ptr. Jabonero’s Church, the A.G. Legab, Full Gospel Church. The members who attended during the service in that church was almost 34 people all in all, including children and young people. Around 9 young people and 10-15 children. Sis. Dorine got the chance to teach the kids, sis. Cristine on the young people and ptr. Michael handled the Sunday school of the adults. on the divine service, sis. Leah led the praise and worship then of course Ptr. Shared the Word. After the service, of course lunch followed. We rested for an hour hen at 1:30 pm we rode a jeepney up to our next destination, at Batbato, Gospel of Salvation Church, where sis. Jane came from. We had to walk for about 2 hours arriving there at around 3:30 pm. In the evening we had the service and about more or less 20 people attended, the students testified then ptr. Sung shared the Word with Ptr. Michael as the interpreter. We stayed at ptra. Nita’s house for the night and rested for tomorrows hike.

0ctober 25, 2010 (Monday)
7 am. We started going down to Butac walking for about 2 hours then rode a jeepney for about one hour up to Ptr. Jabonero’s house. We had the chance to stay at the Eco mountain resort in Butac then at 4 pm. We walked up for about 30 minutes to sis. Leah’s house at Lungboy, we held the service at their house and there was no current yet in their place so we used their so called “kulman” as our llight. The barangay election was just finished that night and the counting just started so most of the people who came to attend the service were children so we had to adjust and change the program, the students presented the “way to heaven” skit with bro. Alex acting as the sinner. sis. Cristine led the praise and worship then Ptr. Sung had to changed his prepared sermon and told a story to the kids instead, we thanked God for His guidance ‘cause we know that if not with Him the service will not be successful. We stayed at sister leah’s house and rested there for the night.

October 26, 2010 (Tuesday)
8 am, we went back to Butac, at Ptr. Jab’s house. At 9 am, we rode for 30 minutes then walked for 2 and a half hours to our next destination, at ptr. Pablito Yanggod’s Church in Tagpeo, bro. Alex went back to Baguio already and ptr. Jab stayed so the journey was left to us. The place was so high that we had to walk upward, we arrived at the place at 12 noon then we had the chance to rest. We started the service at 7 pm in Tagpeo, Bethel Church. The students performed the “way to heaven” then Ptr. Sung shared the Word.

October 27, 2010 (wednesday)
Early morning we woke up and ate breakfast at the house of Julie Capsuyen, one of the church member of ptr. Yanggod. 7:30 am, we started walking to our next destination, in Batawang, Ilocos Sur, and we arrived there at around 10:30. We stayed at the house of ptr. Teligo, and met their one intern, ate Marisol, who was studying in Basig Bible Schoo. We had our lunch there and had our time to rest our tired bodies. After having our dinner, we went to their church and started our service. They also don’t have current there so we had to use their so called “kulman.” The service started 7:30. The students testified, oferred special songs then sister Jane led the Praise and worship. The last part was the Word which was shared by Ptr. Sung with ptr. Michael as the interpreter. After the successful service, we had a time to take picture with the members then we rested at ptr. Teligo’s house for the night.

October 28, 2010 (thursday)
After eating our breakfast at ptr. Teligo’s house we started to walk again to our next destination, to Kaang, the highest and farthest place that we had to walk. When we reached Bangaan, we had a time to rest their and ate lunch for they have a dead person in that place that time. We stayed at the house of ptr. Conrado and rested there for about 2 hours. We met their ptr. Apaan, one of the teachers in Basig Bible School, then we started our journey again to Kaang, which is already a part of Bacon Benguet. Walking with us was ptr. Liwayan, the church ptr. to the place where we were suppose to go, because he attended also the burial. These ptr. was already 71 years old but still he can walk that far, he also has a granddaughter who was graduating in high school and wanted to go to bible school so we are expecting her to come to ABC on January. Our walk started at 12:30 and we arrived in Kaang at 2:45 in the afternoon. So we still had the chance to rest at ptr. Liwayan’s house. In the evening, we went to the church for the service and they had a very nice church in Kaang. Almost 50 people attended the service, including the children. Bro. Marvel led one hymnal song then the students testified and oferred some special songs again. The students also presented the skit entitled “The frame.” Sis. Leah led the praise and worship then Ptr. Sung shared the Word together with ptr. Micahel as the interpreter. We stayed and rested at ptr. Liwayan’s house for the night.

October 29, 2010 (Friday)
After eating our breakfast, we started our walk to our last destination, in Igigang, Bacon, Benguet. We leave Kaang at 8:30, walking with us was sister Nora, who was a young people of ptr. Liwayan, and who said she would want to come to ABC after two years when she finished her education course. We reached Igigang at 10:30 in the morning and rested at the house of one of their member there. In the afternoon. We had our chance to go and swim in their river. After having our dinner, we went to their church for the service and that night was the opening of their zone fellowship, so some of the churches in Bacon had already arrived. The service started by one hymnal song then we sung one action song entitled “making melody.” Then we presented the “Frame” again. The praise and worship was led by sis. Leah then the message was shared by Ptr. Sung with his interpreter Ptr. Michael. After the service, we were supposed to sleep in that place then walk early in the morning to Sinacbat, but the young people of BACC arrived, led by Dr. Lopez. They said they just want to experience the place, most of them were boys and they only have two women with them, so we decided to leave that night and went to Bago and rest their for the night. We started to walk 11 pm and reached Bago at 1 o’ clock in the morning. We rested at the pastoral house of the Bago church which was being pastured by ptr. Julian.

October 30, 2010 (saturday)
7 am we woke up and ptr. Julian brought coffee for us and cooked chicken for our breakfast. We walked for 3 and a half hours then we finally reached Sinacbat, the place of ptr. Lorenzo but he was not there because he was solemnizing a marriage in Boligo which was 45 minutes walk down and 1 hour walk up for us. We were so tired already so we just stayed at the house of one member of their church and cooked lunch there, hoping we could wait for ptr. Lorenzo to come back because he was the one to take us to Palidan. But at 3 pm, he was still not arriving so we decided to look for our own ride. We found bro. Delio and asked him to take us to Palidan and thanked God he left his work and brought us to the place ant we rode for almost one hour, we also met their bro Gilbert who studied at ABC for two trimester only, ptr. Sung asked him to continue his studies and he said he would come on January. We are praying that he would come and finished his studies. Back to our journey, we had to stop at Palidan and transfer to another car because the road was closed. We rented one elf then we reached Sinipsip at 6:30 in the evening. There we rode a van from Sinipsip to Baguio. We travel for almost two hours then finally we reached Baguio and had our dinner at Jollibee with ma’am Chit and brother Alex waiting for us there. We arrived at ABC 9 in the evening then our Journey ended there. We ministered to seven churches in the mountains from Butac, Ilocos Sur until Igigang, Bacon, Benguet.

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