선교지 소식

Mssion trip in Bayomboin Nueva Viscaya and Lamut ifugao

JT Sung 2010. 12. 14. 00:21







we had a mission trip on December 11-12 with ABC students in Bayombong Ptr. Jovannie's church. as we arrived in Bayombong we had dinner and we have a service..
Sunday morning, I divide ABC two group and sent one group to other church (ptr. Donato's church: ABC Alumni-30minites)..in the afternoon we gathered again and had Christmas party in Ptr. Jovannie's church after that we went to Janerie Grace's main church in Lamut, Ifugao
And We had a special night service. Monday morning we start 8 am and we arrived school 4 pm ..very tired but Thank you Lord for using us in the ministry. To God be the Glory!!!