
Ten reasons to study church history and God controls history

JT Sung 2015. 1. 14. 12:21

As we gather may Your Spirit work within us
As we gather may we glorify Your name
Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship
We'll be blessed because we came
We'll be blessed because we came

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
His mercies never come to an end,
They are new every morning, new every morning
Great is Thy faithfulness (Oh Lord)
Great is Thy faithfulness


father we thank you this evening

and we thank you.

you give us opportunity

to study your word

and father give us your wisdom and understanding

as we prepare for this time of study.

Help us to focus on our subject and your word

keep us from all distractions 

help us to make the best use of this time 

Give us insight that we might understand what we are studying ,

and help us to use this knowledge for your kingdom and your glory

once again bless each every one of us

we bless your name and praise you and thanks giving

 in Jesus name we pray




10 reasons to study church history

1. To be obedient: We study the history of God’s people 

who obeyed the will of God in their lives

 even bible says in Book of Job 8;8

“Ask the former generations and find out what their fathers learned, 

beloved ABCians not only learned but also emulate their obedience amen

2. To understand God:

 The study of Church History is not only the study of the historical Church 

but also the exploration (탐사 탐험)of God’s active involvement with His own people in our world. 

Knowing the acts and ways of God in working with His people throughout history 

provides us with a better understanding of God Himself


3. To develop humility: 순교자를 보고 나는  nothing before God

어제 바기따이 겸손을 강조  7 죄악 1번째 교만

the 7 deadly sins

Pride(vanity)교만 Envy(jealousy)시기Wrath(anger)분노sloth(laziness)

나태 greed (avarice)탐욕Gluttony(over-indulgence)폭식 lust(sexual desire)색욕



4. To keep us from error: 

Many of the heresies(헤러씨스) of the first, 

few centuries of the Church have surfaces once again in our times. 

Knowledge of those early heresies will help us to remain on the clear path of Biblical truth. 

Montanism, Marcionism, Gnosticism Ebionites(유대인이 교인이 되고 유대적 요소를 못버림)


5. To be renewed: 

The Scriptures declares that our God is the same, yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). 

Understanding His ways of renewal and revival in the past, 

prepares us to receive His work of grace and liberty in our own midst, today. 

like apostles 손수건 그림자-말라카쓰 파워


6. To be communal(커뮤~): 

Church History reminds us that we are part of a larger, 

eternal community of believers. 

만은 증인들이 지켜보고 있다 

we are not alone 읽을 (Hebrews 12:1). 

The Scriptures describes these saints of old as cheering us on from heaven 

These saints are not dead in Christ, they remain alive in Jesus. 

and also regardless of tribe ages educational background

 i want all ABCians love each others amen we are in one boat


7. To be encouraged: 

The good example of the believers that have gone before us 

encourages us to imitate them as they have imitated Jesus 

애즈  (1 Corinthians 11:1).내가 주를  받은  처럼 

They remind us that it is possible to not only serve God well in this life, 

but to endure right until the end.


8. To understand our own time: 

Church History helps us to understand our own time better. 

]The author if the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes once wrote 

that there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). 

History, in very real and concrete ways, moves in circles and cycles. 

A full understanding of our past helps us 

to understand how we have arrived at this point in history. 

It helps us to see today from God’s perspective

God use the 로마 to spread Gospel /유럽/ 미국/ 아시아

so you will know what to do now /

studying in ABC is not waisting time but deposit someting to God

as ptr. baguitay said yeterday


9. To boldly step into the future: 

We are only able to move with confidence into the future if understand our past. 

The apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 10:11, NIV) 

offers further clarification on the study of history prepares us for tomorrow: 

“These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, 

on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come.”


10.  To give glory to God: 

The ultimate and most important reason to study Church History is 

that it facilitates true and liberty worship of our God. 

Our hearts are filled with awe and wonder when we explore the mighty acts of God in the past.

 The apostle John (Revelation 4:8, NIV) recorded that in heaven four living creatures, 

surrounding a throne, do not stop day or night declaring the glory and holiness of God, 

“who was, and is, and is to come.”


We are a people of history, a history of God’s passionate and loving involvement in our world. 

May we once again commit to study 

and learn from the great work of God in and through His people in ages past.


God controls history 

main body of church history is God

as we Christian, when we study  church history

we should feel the hands of God

do not forget

God works through history to fulfill his purposes

main body of history is God

means God is in control  in this world /God is Sovereignty

there is absolutely nothing that happens in the universe-

that is outside of God's influence and authority


if we say, history is men's story

church history is the story of men who followed God's will and obeyed his word

In the church history, people, they follow God's will or not, this is important


for example there is very famous king in the profane프로우페인 history (worldly history)

but in the bible, he was only mentioned in one sentence

He did evil in the eyes of the LORD.

and no more

we have to know this one

God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; 

God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

only important thing is this one

we will follow will of God or not/ 


another word

God is doing his will

men can participate in God's work through following his will.

and they became people of God. amen?


non believers doesn't understand this one

you see Egypt Babylon Roman empire Alexandria empire

these countries once dominated the world

in that time talagang  malakas power

but church history

they are only tools/ instruments  

who were used to trained Israel's People of God

God continues to enlarge his kingdom with his invisible hand

from the creation of heaven and earth and until now

church of God continue flourishing

through church history we have to learned this one

father once again we thank you this evening 

father we thank you  you gave us opportunity to study here in ABC

thank you  father that you  have been with us throughout this lesson

thank you father that you are here with us right now inspire us as we leave in this place 

May we leave here help us that You are the God of sovereign  

you are the one who in control in this world 

so that we believe that You are willing to lead us forward. 

father continue bless each every one of us give us your peace in this night

once again thank you This we pray in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen

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요셉 승리의 비결 (한글 설교)  (0) 2019.06.06