영어 설교

Nehemiah’s leadership

JT Sung 2007. 1. 29. 18:35

Nehemiah’s leadership 

As Bible says, 

Through one man, who is 1st adam, sin and death entered this world, 

And through one man, who is Jesus, we can get eternal life 

Brothers and sisters 

We have to know this one 

when God is working 

through always work through people 

God use people to change history 

God used Moses and he brought out Israelite from Egypt 

God used Nehemiah and he reformed Israel and rebuild Jerusalem 

Like this, God always work through chosen people 

And I pray and believe that God will use you all for his kingdom

Today, I want to study with you about Nehemiah’s leadership 

Nehemiah is a person who changed Israel’s miserable situation, 2500 years ago 

So let’s find out Nehemiah’s leadership through his life 

1, Calling 

You know, God use those who are called 

Meaning all God’s leaders have God’s calling 

Now, you are studying in the bible school 

One reason or another, you are called by God 

So I do believe, God will prepare your way, amen? 

And God will use you Amen? 

God’s calling is like building a house on the rock 

The rain came down, the rivers flooded it over 

and the winds blew against that house but it did not fall 

You know why? 

Because their foundation is on the rock 

Because they have calling of God 

In other words, if we surely have God’s calling, even we have difficult situation or 

we have problem, we are not easily discouraged, and not easily give up, 

why? Because God called us 

But, if there’s no calling from God 

We are easily shaken, if there’s little bit opposite wind that comes to us, 

we easily give up. 

So it is very important that you have a calling from God 

You know, usually God’s calling come to us through 4 channels 

1) word of God  2)prayer  3)church  4) environment 

In Nehemiah’s case, he got the calling through his environment 

His brother Hanani came to him and said about Israel’s miserable situation. 

And his heart is became hot and getting passionate about Israel 

he could not sleep, so he prayed to God to send him to Israel 

This is God’s calling 

I will give example

(고목사  와이프 묵어서 캐리 바따왕 to 까앙) 

He could not sleep, when he went to bed and lay down, 

mountain soul appeared on the ceiling 

so he started to pray for the Philippines 

And finally he resigned from his church. 

He and his family came here as missionary 

God’s calling is like this 

It is the same with Nehemiah 

he was official in Persian Empire 

When he heard about Israel’s story, 

he started to pray and fasting

and when he meet King of Persian

he ask the king to go Israel 

Until he reached Israel, 

he met many difficult situations, 

but he did not give up 

Because of God’s calling 

One of our student came to me and said 

(10years ago my music teacher is Aliping)

Ptr. when I heard music class 

my heart became hot and I couldn’t sleep, 

when I went bed and lay down, her face appeared on the ceiling, 

so I prayed for her every day. Is it God’s will to marry with her? 

I replied to him “repent for the kingdom of heaven is near” 

Brothers and sisters 

You are here because of God’s calling 

And I'm happy even you lowest member in ABC history

you are the best student in ABC history 

while you train here in ABC 

make more steady and solid about your Calling of God

do not give up even with difficulties around 

and when you go out ABC fulfill God’s will in your life 

2, Vision 

Do you know when God give vision to his people?

difficult time 

When they are hopeless, 

when their life is dalagang desolated 

That time God will give a vision 

You know when God gave vision to John about revelation 

That time, he was in exiled on the island of Patmos. 

You know when God give vision to Ezekiel 

That’s after the death of his wife and when he was in long time captivity 

It is like this 

When we go to cinema and watch the movie 

All the light is turned off isn’t it? 

If there is another light turned on, maybe we could not concentrate with the movie 

God wants to give us vision 

But if there are many lights we could not see very well God’s vision 

That is why sometimes God turns off our other lights 

So that we may see clearly God’s vision upon our life 

For example 

When my children watch TV

my wife says eating time 

come to the table and eat 

They are not coming 

eating time~ shouting

not come

Only Gihyung comes to the table 

and eat but his eyes is still on the TV 

But when mother turns off the TV 

That time they come to table and starting to eat 

it is like this

When God use you, he turns off all the channel of the world 

When we have difficult times, when the dark surrounds us, 

God’s calling becomes clear 

Nehemiah also got a vision when he had trouble 

You know what vision is 

Vision (EnTuezm) means; God is in that situation. 

So do not despair when you have hard time 

Because God is with us 

God promises us; “I’m with you always even unto the end of the world” 

3, prayer 

If you read the book of Nehemiah 

Chapter 1, it started with his prayer and chapter 13 it ended with his prayer. 

And every critical moment, we can see his prayer 

Nehemiah is a man of prayer 

Every moment he prayed to God and relied upon God 

And even when he rushed in prayer, God answered him. 

So brothers and sisters, we have to know this one 

Powerful prayers comes out from those who always pray 

기도-천국 벽돌한장 -어큐물레이트 -디포짖

Nehemiah solved all the problems by prayer 

When he finish rebuilding the walls surrounding Jerusalem 

Very few people stay inside town Jerusalem 

So he got a idea 

He assembled all Israelites for registration by families. 

Today that kind of registration is called family census 

May be now someone go around house to house 

and check how many persons stay in that house 

But Nehemiah’s time just command all the people 

in the one place and checking 

And when they gathered 

Nehemiah command them to stay inside the town of Jerusalem 

He had done this through what God has put into his heart 

as proclaimed in Nehemiah 7:5 it says “My God put it into my heart.” 

Means God give this idea in his heart 

Brothers and sisters 

When we pray, God gives us wisdom to finish the task 

When we pray, God gives us power to cope with difficulties 

When we pray, God gives us the way to escape 

So I want all of you to pray like Nehemiah 

so that God Put wisdom into your heart amen? 

4 prepare 

in 1787 after the French Revolution  

Their situation is getting worse 

You know why, because they prepared how to fight with their king 

I mean they only think of overthrowing kingly power 

But they did not prepare how to govern after the Revolution 

No prepare 

That is why after revolution their situation is getting worse 

in chines Proverbs  there is saying 

for i time using prepare 10 years

we study here in ABC

mold our self prepare our self

If God use us for his kingdom 

even one time if God use us for his glory 

i will be very happy 

Brothers and sisters 

Blessings are received by those who prepare basket 

Meaning, opportunity comes without notice 

When opportunity comes to you and you are not prepared for that 

Opportunity do not remain in you 

Nehemiah was waiting for 4 month to go to Israel 

And that time he prepared for going to Israel 

He studied about Israel. 

He got all the information about Israel. 

Even he memorise all the official’s name  in Israel (Asaph) 

And when he met the King 

He made a presentation to him to go to Israel 

dear king (majesty)

I will do like this like this 

when I go to Israel i need Tirans -Euphrates governor's helping 

so I need your recommendation letter

so that they will help him 

And when he arrived in Israel 

he didn’t tell anybody, went around and checked Israel 

for 3 days and 3 night 

You see how he prepare for his job 

Now you are studying here in ABC 

Means you are all called by God 

So you have to prepare for your future ministry 

And I want all of you to prepare very well 

there is saying that “if you sleep, dreams a dream. 

But if you study, dream will come true” 

Once again prepare well while you study 

And when God use you 

That time you can boldly say “yes, Lord I’m here use me for your kingdom” amen? 


5. Courage/Bravery 

Do not be afraid your enemy 

Every one has enemy 

Even Jesus has enemy 

Do not try to satisfy everyone 

You cannot please everybody 

If you try to satisfy or please everybody 

You will become hypocrite(히포크릿) (plastic) 

You know for example, 

philppine presint 노이노이 아키노  has enemy

he cannot please all pilipino

waltercaput  has enemy

he cannot satisfies all AG members

Even though I will manage this school very well, 

I cannot please all the students 

It’s the same with you 

When you have ministry, 

you can not please all 

(Your entire church member) 

You know, when you try to please all 

Sometime, they end up abusing you. 

There is always complainer 

You see how the Israelite complained to Moses? 

They always complained to Moses 

Leadership is subject to challenge 

Be brave to face all problems 

ther is saying

if there is problem there is solution Amen

If you are weak, small problems looks big 

If you are brave, big problems looks small 

So where does bravery comes from? 

When we have strong conviction that God is with us 

Then you will become brave enough to face 

even the most difficult problem or circumstance 

Bible says “do not be afraid” I’ll be with you always”

and always this word come along with 

becoz God is with us im not afraid 

becoz god is with me i  have braveamen

Just as what happened in Nehemiah chapter 6, 

when Nehemiah courageously confronted his opponents 

We should go bravely to fulfill God’s work for his glory. 

6. set an example (Become a model) 

maybe some of you knows Lee kuan- yew

who is the first Prime Minister in Singapore

When he became the prime minister in 1959

that time

Singapore was in utter confusion

They had marami problema

they had ideological dispute political corruption

peoples not working

Everyday, they strike (demonstrate) against the government

Marami problema talaga

Their population is only 2 milion .

Their country size is smaller than manila city .

And that time national per capita income is only 400 $ .

But through his leadership for 20years .

Singapore was changed .

Rooting out corruption

reinvigorating(리인비거레이팅)the economy

Now their per capita income is 30000$.

bida before singapore was under the british(England)

British colonized singapore

now singapore became more richer than England

The city is very clean

As you know,

in Singapore, if they spit saliva or throw tissue in the street, 

they have penalty

you know why mentioned him

because of this one

he has a friend, best friend

he appointed him as the construction minister in Singapore 

and he had good job

But one day, the construction minister embezzled(임베즐드) 1 million $ 

So he had to face trials in the court about the 1 million $. 

That time, he went to Lee Kuan-yew and asked 

“Please help me with my case and 

give me another chance. you are my friend” 

But Lee Kun yew replied to him 

“I’m sorry but if I overlook your fault this time, 

my country reformation will be affected.” 

“Our people trusted for reformation 

and I cannot betray our people’s entrust” 

After that, the construction minister went out 

and committed suicide 

You see when Nehemiah reformed Israel 

lets open 5;14

He didn’t eat the bread of the governor 

I mean he didn’t take any bribe 

Because he is the man of integrity, 

he was able to reform Israel. 

and i want all of you man of integrity like Nehemiah

be loved ABC students-while ago we study becareful 3 g

as we are future minister

Setting an example is very important 

If you are not holy, your ministry has no power 

If you are not holy, your prayer has no power 

be an example. then your member will follow you

7, humility


people tend to become mayabang

if you have money

if you are beautiful 

if you have position

and i tell you the most dangerous is spiritual mayabang

we call it spiritual arrogant 

can you open the bible numbers 12; 2

as the LORD spoken only through Moses?" 

they asked. 

"Hasn't he also spoken through us?" 

And the LORD heard this.

Miriam and Aron said

you think God is only Speak to Moses?

he also speak to me

this is dangerous/ spiritual arrogant

you think only he speaking in tongues? 

i also can speaking in tongues

you think only he pray 1 hour every day

excuse me i pray 2 hours a day

 so what ?

spiritual mayabang this is dangerous 

what happen after Spiritual arrogant 


When the cloud lifted from above the Tent, 

there stood Miriam--leprous

cloud is Presence of God

presence of God leave to them after that Miriam got a leprosy 

in the early church they have 7 deadly sin for discipline 

and the biggest sin among 7 is superbia (수퍼비아)Pride

why God use Moses ?

because of Humbleness

bible says number 12;3 

Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else 

be humbleness brothers and sisters 

then God will use you

Nehemiah is humble person

Nehemiah always praise and encourage his worker 

He even he wrote his worker’s name in the Bible 

He remember even small labor 

Brother and sister 

Leadership is this one 

If you really care and love and serve your follower 

Then they will do their best 

They come to be dedicated-my boss like me so i will do my best for him

Through God’s calling, vision, prayer, prepare, be brave, set a example and humility 

I believe that you will become a great leader like Nehemiah.

let us pray 

father we bless your name

once again we thank you this afternoon 

we thank you  for your teaching and your word today 

now i come before you and pray in the name of Jesus 

father you bless each every one of us

specially this students while they study here in ABC

mold them and train them as your purpose

and use them mightly for your glory and kingdom

use this students as your peole's leader and fulfill your work

father we know that all power is in your hand

so i pray in the name of Jesus

i pray in the mighty name of Jesus

cover us with your precious blood

you reach down and touch us and minister now

if someone is struggle with difficult trials

you give them strength and give them solution

if someone has distressed with pain and any sickness

you touch them with your power

oh halleluiah in the name of Jesus 

release them heal them now

if someone has problem 

father let them feel an extra potion of your strength 

father your are our solution give us victory 

thank you Jesus 

thank you holy spirit

we love you Lord Jesus

we praise you Jesus 

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