영어 설교

Faithful to God (judge 3;31)

JT Sung 2010. 1. 12. 00:00

Happy new year to all 

This 2010 is the year of tiger 

And sign of tiger is courageous active, and dynamic. 

The Tiger is a natural born leader 

and symbolizes power, passion and daring. 

So I want all of you to be courageous 

And victory all the time likes tiger. Amen? 

Anyway everyone has new years’ resolution 

May be someone decide, I will read bible from genesis to revelation 

And others decide, I will pioneer a church 

May be someone’s resolution is I will have boy friend or girl friend 

Anyway I want all of your resolution to be fulfilled this year 

Today I ‘d like to share word of God in titled 

“Faithful to God” based on Judge 3;31 

“After Ehud came Shamgar son of Anath, who struck down six hundred Philistines with an oxgoad. He too saved Israel.” 


Father we thank you for adding another wonderful new year in our lives 

We bless your name oh Lord 

And as we start to listen to your word 

I pray in the name of Jesus 

Let Your Holy Spirit take full control of this service 

And refresh us and empower us through your word 

I declare that we take a victory in Your mighty name today

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. 

There is Shamgar in today’s passage 

Shamgar is only written once in the bible from genesis to revelation 

And that is in today’s passage 

That is why even Christians doesn’t know him very well 

Brothers sisters 

Here I tell you something 

It is not important how many pages were recorded in the bible 

but how it was recorded,It is important

it is not important how famous minister here in the philippines

if God is use us for his kingdome today that is enough 

Shamgar has only one recorded verse in the bible 

But God used him mightily 

He is the one who saved his country from philistines 

As you know 

In korea,we were under the Japanese for 36 years 

and during the 2nd world war 

Many Korean young people were enlisted to war for Japan 

And even they come here in the Philippines to fight as Japanese solders and died 

many young Korean women became comfort women for the soldiers that time 

They got all the metal or iron by force for making bullet 

and they persecuted Korean Christians 

They did not allow worshiping the Lord 

if they see Christians, they put them to Jail

they burn many churches 

That is why even we are neighbors counries

 most of Korean are allergic to Japan 


Like Korea and Japan 

Maybe Israel and Philistine is the same 

They were neighbor and at the same time they were enemy 

Many times philistines attack to Israel 

So Israelite were afraid of them 

You know when Israelite exodus from Egypt and go to Canaan, 

some theologian said

God did not lead Israel to the seaside road which is the shorter and better way 

Because of Philistines were there

Anyway today’s passage, 600 hundred philistine solders attack Israel 

And someone come out and fought with them and struck down and his name is Shamgar 

This is the 1st time Israel won against the philistines 

He became a hero in Israel 

Then who is shamgar 

Then why God used him and save Israel 

In the Bible it says Shamgar is the son of Anath. 

Then who is Anath? 

Is Anath the father of shamgar? 

No he is not 

Anath was not the name of shamgar’s father 

Biblicist said Anath is the name of god whom Canaan people worshipped 

Meaning, Shamger was grew up with pagan’s priest 

maybe shamgar was poor so his parents offered him 

to pagan’s priest for him to foster 

shamgar was from a poor family 

but god used him mightily 

here we have to know one thing 

God is not using us because of our family background 

Will God use us because you come from a well known family  ? 

Of course not 

He does not care about our family background 

It is not important whether our family is poor or rich 

It doesn’t matter we are from well educated family or not 

is there anybody who complain because you are poor family? 

Is there anybody who cried because your family has no money 

I will tell you something 

Our family background is not a problem 

The important one is you trust in God or not 

This is important 

bible says 1st Samuel 16;7

Man looks at the outward appearance, 

but the LORD looks at the heart."

God will use us as long as we are faithful to God amen 

You know what is shamgar job? 

He had a ox goad 

It is taking care of caw with a stick 

Meaning is he is a cowboy or shepherd 

God used cowboy 

If you graduate lasalle or Ateneo, God will use you? 

No it is not 

You are from Coangco or Ayala family and so God will use you? No it is not 

God will use even cowboy or farmer 

It is not your job 

It is not your Academic background 

God will use you 

As long as you trust in the Lord 

Miracle will happen when you grab God by your faith 

What Shamgar has is only a stick which he uses in taking care of carabao 

But God used that stick and struck down 600 philistines 

Imagine 600 Philistines came to attack with swords and javelins (블린)

And shamgar was alone and had only one stick 

But God is with him so that he could struck down them 

Even david 

He had only 5 stones but God is with him 

so that he could defeat Giant Goliath 

So do not be afraid of Goliath 

so do not be afraid goliath in our lifes 

God is with us who is almighty 

We will have victory in the name of Jesus

Because God is with us 

So do not depend on things from this world 

So do not look at our surroundings 

But look at the God who is almighty 

And faithful to Him Amen? 

When I was young my family is poor 

I still remember 

When I go to school my lunch box is always with Kimch 

And my classmate eats lunch with hotdog. Beef … 

Some one go to school with their own car 

But I go to school with my own legs 

But brothers and sisters 

God is using me for his kingdom now 

when God wants us to do somthing 

even small things we have to to try our best Amen 

then as bible says in matt.25;23 

'Well done, good and faithful servant! 

You have been faithful with a few things;

 I will put you in charge of many things.


beloved ABCians 

our God doesn't care our familiy back ground

he doesn't care our educational back ground

But I tell you brothers and sisters 

Be faithful to the lord 

And pray to God 

He will use you 

He will raise up you 

Do not suffer inferiority complex

Remove your defeatism (디피티즘/패배주의)

God is with you 

God is with us 

And he will use you for his kingdom 

God is alive 

And his power is the same yesterday and today 


Jesus, we enthrone you
we proclaim you are king
standing here, in the midst of all
we raise you with our praise

and as we worship build the throne
and as we worship build the throne
and as we worship build the throne
come lord Jesus and take your place


Father we thank you once again this evening 

Father we thank you for what you have done in our lifes 

And father I pray that you continue to shower your blessing unto us in this new school year

As we continue to study here in ABc 

Father you bless each every one of us 

Help us faithful to you all the time 

Help us to fellowship with you everyday 

And give us victory in this year for your glory 

once again i pray in the name of Jesus 

in the mighty name of Jesus

father you release your power of anointing in this house now

yes father theer will be releasing abundunt blessing today

thgere will be releasing super natural power today

in Jesus name

we will concquer any hinderance

we will conquer any destruction

all the problems will go a way 

in the name of Jesus

and wa have victory after victory 

thank you Jesus 

thank you holi spirit

Once again I pray for the ABC 

Father you bless Asia bible College 

Bless the entire ABC student 

While they study here in ABC 

Mold them as your instrument 

And Equip them for your purpose 

And use them for your glory and your kingdom 

And father also bless ABC staff and faculty 

Thank you father that you refresh and strengthen us today 

We give you all the glory honor and praise 

In Jesus Name amen

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