영어 설교

Power of speaking (numbers 14:20~30)

JT Sung 2009. 7. 3. 00:08

Power of speaking (numbers 14:20~30) 

Father we thank you for this morning. 

We thank for your present 

As we start to listen to your words 

Let your holy spirit saturate and inspire us 

And bless each every one of us through your word 

In Jesus name amen 

Bible says the tongue is the list member of our body but it can control our whole body 

The power of life and death is in this mouth. 

We can bring blessing or misery into our life with our speaking. 

If we speak negatively bad things comes. 

But if we speak positively good things comes. Amen? 

not only our selves but also others 

through our speaking 

we can buhay to people and  we can patay to people 

why becoz there is power in speaking 

There is story in the Talmud 

There is king who gathered his people and commanded to them 

study what is the most valuable and important thing in the world 

And tell me

And the king commanded to another group 

you research what is the most gross and worst thing in the world and report to me

After 1 year, the 1st group came back with a box

So the king opened it and there was a tongue  

And later on, the 2nd group came back to the king with something 

And again the king opened it, there was a tongue too 

This story tells us the tongue is the most important thing and at the same time the worst thing 

The problem is how to use. 

in proverbs 15:4  it says

The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, 

but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit. 

There is power in our speaking 

so we have to be careful when and what we speak 

specially ministers 

as you know pastor is a job of many speaking 

so pastors are easy to make a slip of a tongues 

even me, many times i regret after I speak 

that is why when I angry to somebody 

I don’t talk to them 

Because I am angry so that I worry I might say hurting words 

So it is better not to speak 

Brothers and sisters 

Sometimes we speak without thinking 

and someone gets hurt through our language 

We have to know this one when we speak 

We can not put it back 

So watch your words, the tongue is in the wet place and it can easily slip 

There is a saying in Morocco 

Deeper wound by speaking than by knife 

James 1 :19 

Everyone should be quick to listen, 

slow to speak and slow to become angry, 

We have two ears to be quick to listen 

and we have one mouth because slow to speak 

In other words engage your mind before engage your mouth 

we have to be careful of our language 

and when we speak, 

it should be a blessing and praise to others 

Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are a honeycomb, 

sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. 

You see pleasant words are better than medicine 

It brings up endorphin levels, and keeps us in overall good health 

Proverbs 25:12 A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. 

Ephesians 4:29 

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, 

but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, 

that it may benefit those who listen. 

Proverbs 18;21 

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. 

Meaning we could build up our life as we speaking 

Do you know silkworm 

It makes his house through thread which comes out from its mouth and we call it cocoon 

It makes cocoon through thread which comes out from its mouth 

And I think we are the same like this 

We are making our life of house through our speaking 

Someone making their house like nipa hut 

And some one builds their houses like Sm building 

Someone is making their house like dog house through their speaking 

So what kind of house do you want to build in your lives ? Brothers and sisters 

There is a power in speaking 

So that we have to change our speaking 

Do not speak negative but positive 

Do not speak destructive word but creative word  

Do you know ptr. Joel Osteen 

1981 his mother got terminal stage cancer 

Doctor said she will die within few weeks 

But she said I will not die, God will heal me 

He is my power my healer, I’m weak but God is strong 

She always said positively and she proclaimed that God will heal her 

So Joel look for positive verses in the bible around 

30 passage and put it mother’s room 

And mother always read that with loud voice and proclaimed that and praise God 

. for I am the LORD, who heals you.

 and by his wounds we are healed. 

my body is temple of the holy spirit it is not my own  so God concern my body 

whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Everything is possible for him who believes."

we have a victory through our lord Jesus Christ 

every day read with loud voice and proclame

and finally she was healed amen 

There is power in speaking 

마이와이프 왈랑뻬라...

Today’s passage when Israelites arrive at Canaan 

Moses sent 12 people to explore the land of Canaan 

they explore the land for 40 day and returned 

and they said yes the land is very nice it flows with milk and honey 

but the people who live there are powerful and stronger 

We cannot attack them 

All the people we saw there are of great size 

compared with them, we are like grasshopper 

Then the people were grumbling 

Why you bring us here 

If only we had died in Egypt or in the desert 

It is better to go back to Egypt even now 

but Josua and Caleb says 

we can enter the land of promise 

because God promised us. do not be afraid. god is with us 

then all the congregation talked about stoning them 

and today’s passage we can consider 2 things 

1st God is hearing our voice 

Today’s passage verse 27 says 

How long will this wicked community grumble against me? 

 I have heard the complaints of these grumbling Israelites.  

when Israelites complained and grumbled 

God hear (listened) to every single word 

God recorded their complains 

And the same like this 

God is listening to our speaking, our language  

God hears our voice and recording 

Brothers and sisters 

Think about this 

When you say something to your friend 

This is secret don’t tell to anybody 

You know Joan b and keli is  bola bola….. 

But God is recording what you say 

I will tell one illustration 

In korea there is one church, they have a member who always complain 

Every time the pastor meet the church member 

They said some taletelling 

pastor brother kim is bola bola…. 

And if he met kim, he said pastor sister lee is bola bola… 

So you know what pastor did? 

pastor got an idea 

when he meet the church member 

he brought one note book 

And what they say, the pastor wrote 

pastor last week sister lee was absent in our prayer meeting 

and they go to camp john hay and had a BBQ party 

Then the pastor wrote according to bro. kim sister lee said the family went to camp john hay 

Ok can you sign here 

What ? you sign here 

No no, I’m not sure I just heard from somebody 

Bye bye pastor 

Nobody signed . 

After that the church members no longer complain 

Brothers and sisters, there is a kingdom of heaven  and kingdom of darkness 

And wheat is the language in kingdom of heaven? 

Thanks giving and praise 

And what is the language in kingdom of darkness 

Grumbling and complaining 

so where do you want to become a people of 

kingdom of god or kingdom of darkness 

brothers and sisters we have to remember this 

God is hearing whatever we say 

and he is recording 

2nd God will payback as we are saying 

today’s passage verse 28 it says 

I will do to you the very things I heard you say 

Meaning God will give you exactly what you said 

Israelites are grumbling it is better to die here in desert 

So they all died in the desert as they said 

Brothers and sisters 

Do not say negative or pessimistic language 

It will be done according to what you say 

Do not say mahirab hinde puede 

But speak positive and creative language 

I can do it. nothing is impossible in God 

God is with me and he is my strength Amen. 

It is what we call the boomerang effect 

Do you know boomerang 

A curved piece of wood 

when you thrown it, it will return to you  

Bible says in Matthew 7:12

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, 

for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. 

You want to be respected? 

You respect others then it will return to you as boomerang 

You want to be a blessing? Then you bless others then blessing will come back to you 

as we speak it will be done  

you know Jewish  before they sleep 

they always bless their children 

as you know the united state of America is blessed and strong country in the world 

but do you know who control the united state of America? 


Ex) 지민 와쓰 이야기 

People will live by eating the fruit of their speaking 

bible says in proverbs 12;18 

Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. 

So brothers and sisters 

Speak the word of faith 

Speak the word of blessing 

Speak the word of thanks giving 

Speak the word of praising 

Pronounce the word of positive and creative 

Command that hindrance will go away 

Proclaim that we will have a victory in the name of Jesus 

And it will be done as we speak 

there is power in speaking amen

Heavenly Father, blessed your mane 

and we thank you that you give us victory though our Jesus Christ 

Lord, I pray that in the name of Jesus (2X) 

you anoint us with your power of the Holy Spirit 

empower us and strengthen us 

give us victory everyday all the time

thank you Jesus thank you Holy Spirit 

I pray for the ABC 

you bless this school bless all the teaches faculty and staff and bless all the student 

equip them to carry out to your work 

help them to prepare to work your glory and your kingdom ....

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