선교지 소식

Bacun ministry2 (바쿤지역 선교지 방문2)

JT Sung 2011. 2. 25. 13:01

ABC 학생 Cherry의 Journal을 올립니다 


By: cherry lyn brillantes 

One o’clock in the afternoon ticks the time of that sunny Saturday of February 19 when the eight of us- Jeanifer, Christine, Bena, Alex, Michael, Ptr. Cadangen, Ptr Sung and I did joyously sit down, prayed a moment and departed our schools ground for our scheduled mountain ministry at lovely places of Tacadang and Papasok in Bakun, Benguet. 

Everyone’s so excited especially me for this is really my first time of joining such activity thus sharing lots of stories and funny thoughts as well as insights as we’re moving on our travel. This then strengthened our team and bonding as earlier before reaching the place hence getting that close despite our different origins and languages. However one of us did felt uncomfortable maybe because of either the speed of the car or the roads zigzag style. Michael who’s then proud of General Santos City did vomit several times almost bringing out all what’s inside his stomach. Thanks anyway for strong Alex for the tap always given to him as comfort and pacify. 

“This calls then for a break time!” so we dropped and stopped by the AL’s restaurant at Natubleng, Buguias. Ptr Cadangen bought bonamine for Mike and Ptr Sung did treat us pancit so that Mike would refill what was lost in him. After a couple of minutes we moved on continuing our trip but we did exchange sitting position first with Mike for him to be able to be at ease with the blowing of the wind. 

Before reaching Tacadang, a cheerful hospitable friends and brethren from Sipitan did invite us to take a drop for snack. They prepared coffee and that delicious gabi for us. Nevertheless we did not stay long for we need to move on. While on our way, lots of brethren did warmly welcome us until arriving so safely at exactly seven o’clock at Tacadang Assemblies of God. We then automatically have our practices for the night’s service before taking our dinner wherein they cooked nutritious vegetables for our food. 

Here comes then the night service. Praise God for even though the night’s so cold and it’s a little bit late some members came and joined us. As we started, we sang hymns and the six of us had our testimonies and so sorry for the unpleasant ‘wada sisya’ song that we sang. Anyway the very great message of Ptr. Cadangen did blessed and encouraged everyone as having a very peaceful and calm rest. 

Kring! Alarms our phones so it’s time to wake up for our morning devotion even it became colder comparing to last night. The host church pastor Marcelino did encouraged us when he shared his testimony on his exhortation and when we finished our service we enjoyed an early bonfire while waiting for our breakfast of delicious pinikpikan and pancit. 

Given that little time to rest after taking breakfast and having some stories we need to fix our things for our next destination. It is now time then for us to move and go to Papasok Assemblies of God however an access of vehicle is not possible in reaching the place that’s why we did hike and trek that very stiff and high mountain ranges for an hour. Honestly the way is very slippery because of the little stones and the leaves of the pine trees including the fact that it is a trek going down, almost all of us did slip. But then a very big thanks to God the father for giving us the joy that we enjoyed walking as we share lots of stories as appreciating the beautiful scenery of mountains and trees along our way. The fresh and very relaxing blowing of the wind did give comfort as well as energy also while having our hike and that after more than an hour of trekking we finally arrived down. Halleluiah for brethren were already there very happy and hospitable in welcoming us. They offered us snacks immediately upon arriving. 

However the time is really quite moving that fast that’s why we need to change and prepare for the service, actually it was their joint fellowship service so almost everyone of the many church members were there. Ptr. Mike did Sunday school in tagalong and I did interpret him and the message did bless everyone including me. For the Holy Spirit’s presence was really working magnificently in the midst of the service, all went well as we sang hymns, hear testimonies from the six of us again, sing songs of praises and worship and the most inspiring and encouraging message delivered by Ptr. Sung about the Law of Sowing and Reaping. I can’t really deny the fact that I was challenged and so much blessed of that God’s word shared and I strongly believe that all of us who were there did same and felt the way I did.  

As we were very much filled and feed with spiritual food, the beloved brethren did feed as physically also with delicious lunch of sayote tops and that “kuhol” as they termed. We then ate as much as we can for we are again to walk in returning back but oops we really need first to take a bath to refresh us of the days we haven’t do so. Jejeje! Hence the four of us-we ladies specifically took a bath that fast for we are to get bounded on our track going up that way. In silence then we walk so seriously that way which is a little bit wider and nicer comparing to that first way we did passed by. Every one of us felt too much exhausted yet too much blessed as we reached the end of that way arriving to the road. This tiredness then deserves some drinks and praise God for a kindhearted brother who bought for us snacks. 

As they keep on saying that were not joined together, time for us to depart. At exactly two thirty we left Bakun. Till we return again! Though it’s really hard to part ways but then we are not to worry for there’s always tomorrow. This mountain ministry indeed we had which is my first time of joining did encourage us, bless us, inspires us and strengthen us for we did not only enjoy each other’s company and discover one’s funny side especially Ptr. Sung whose so jolly, instead we have realized the fruits of this one of a kind ministry initiated with love by Ptr. Sung and all pioneers as faithful and committed members of the pioneered churches did very blissful life in God and portrayed their firm faith in spite of the walking distances they always do just to attend services and fellowships as well as life’s difficulties. 

 God is really so much good in the lives of everyone! The happy and delicious dinner we took and shared at Jollibee did conclude as putting an end to our very unforgettable wonderful thirty hours of mountain ministry at the wealthy land of Bakun. To God be the highest glory.