영어 설교

three kinds of hand (Matthew27;24-26)

JT Sung 2014. 10. 8. 16:39

three kinds of hand (Matthew27;24-26) 

When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, 

but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. 

"I am innocent of this man's blood," he said. "It is your responsibility!"

All the people answered, "Let his blood be on us and on our children!"

Then he released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.

father we thank you this afternoon 

and we come to you in your present 

asking for your blessings 

as we gather together

and this is the time to listen to your word

and i pray in the name of Jesus

empower us  strengthen us with your living word

and help us declaring its truth with our word and deeds

thank you in Jesus name

can you raise your hand 

can you put your hands up 

(twinkle, twinkle) thank you 

5초안에 10번이상 박수치면 

it means you are healthy

today I'd like to speak about hand 

when I was young, every time I have stomachache 

my mother always put her hand on my stomach 

massage it and she use to say 

my hand is medical hand (X2) 

after that, it really feels comfortable 

brothers and sisters 

Emerson Ralph Waldo said

there is saying 

Man's hand is the tool of tools 

means among our body structure, 

the hand is very important 

we can do good things with our hands 

or we can do bad things with our hands 

so this afternoon, 

I'd like to speak to you entitled  three kinds of hand 

in Matthew chapter 27 there are three different hands  

1)hands of excuse 2) hands of betray  3)hands of love 

brothers and sisters 

what kind of hand do you have?

what kind of hands do you want ?

So let us learn about these hands through today's scripture

1)Pilate's hand 

this hand is hand of excuse 

Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea in the time of Jesus 

and Jesus was brought to Pilate by the Jewish 

after they had arrested him 

and they insisted to condemn him 

but Pilate hesitated to condemn Jesus 

because he knew that Jesus was no blame 

but the Jewish kept on demanding 

that crucified him

so that he gave Jesus to them 

and after that  Jesus was crucified

and than 

Pilate washed his hand with water in front of the crowd 

and said "I am innocent of this man's blood. 

it is your concern". 

and he avoided responsibility for Jesus' death 

you know why he avoided responsibility?

to maintain his position 

brothers and sisters check our selves

is that not our hand? 

before in ABC there is a pot in the office

that is ceramics very expensive pottery

and some reason many theology student  came to office 

after that the pot was broken

so i asked the students

"who broke the pot"

and they said  

it is not me. it is not me

maybe wind

nobody took the responsibility 

i tell you one story 

Sunday school teacher teaching children

and he said "who destroyed Jericho walls"

and one child who was at the time almost asleep

suddenly woke up because of Teacher's loud voice

and answered "it is not me."

brother and sisters 


we shifted our responsibility to others 

 "I am not responsible for that" 

"I don't have any mistake" 

excuse and excuse 

one time we go to mountain ministry

and i told ABC lalake students

you are the one who responsible of this bag 

until we go back to ABC 

and i give my bag to them

so they carried my bag when we hike the mountain

but when we came back to Baguio 

my bag was missing

so i ask the students

who was the last to carry my bag

and they said 

it is not me

it is not me

it is not me 

they denied 3 times 

and suddenly rooster crying 꾸꾸루~

still they said i don't know ~~~

finally my wife go to bus station 

and she got the bag

former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney said

leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses.

brothers and sisters we are all future leaders

let us share our responsibility in the eyes of the Lord 

our hand should not be the hand of excuse 

but the hand of responsibility and obedience 


2) hand of betrayal 

it is Judas hand 

Judas was called by Jesus as his disciple 

and he work with him for 3 years 

but when he realized that Jesus will be crucified 

he was so disappointed 

he was thinking that Jesus will become king of Israel 

then he will get some position 

but, when his dream has been dashed 

he decided to  betray him 

but Jesus already knew his mind 

while Jesus was eating together with his disciples 

he said  "I tell you the truth, one of you will betray me." 

They were  all surprised and sad, 

they began to speak with him one after the other, 

"it is not me (X2)" 

Jesus replied, "The one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with me will betray me." 

when Judas put the sauce in his bread 

he touched Jesus Hand 

and Judas ask  "surely not I Rabbi?" 

and Jesus said "it is you." 

brothers and sisters 

nowadays, still many people are like this 

they betray  

they are cheating and defraud 

and they get money. 

they hand over Jesus to the enemies 

I tell you one story 

there is 5 peso coin and 500 peso bill meet each other 

and 500 peso bill said 

you know I have been in all the nice restaurant jollibee, 

chow king and yellow cab and so on 

then the 5 peso coin started to tell him 

you know I have been in all the churches of AG. 

Methodist, Wesleyan and bethel church 

because they use me to give offering 

brothers and sisters 

it is funny story but there is meaning 

when we minister many times we fall into temptation 

because of money 

as someone said we work hard and we pay less 

but we have to know this one 

we belong to God 

we are in God's hand 

so if we follow his will and faithful to him 

he will provide what we need 

so seek first his kingdom and his righteousness 

and all these thing will be given to you as well amen 

acts 1 ;17 peter recalled

"Judas was one of us and shared in the ministry with us."NLT

brothers and sisters 

now we are here in ABC

and I want all of you to continue to serve God after ABC

and above all, I want meet all of you in heaven in the last day amen


3 Hand of Jesus 

his hand is hand of love 

his hand was nailed and he died for us 

because he loves us 

and his hand is hand of healing 

in the bible book of Luke 5 

man with leprosy ask to Jesus

"Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”

then Jesus reached out his hand and touched him 

"I'm willing " he said "be clean" 

and instantly the leprosy disappeared

and today still 

his hand wants to heal our broken heart and our sickness

and his hand is hand of forgiveness

in the bible John chapter 8

people brought a woman taken in adultery 

and they said and tempting Jesus

"Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery.

In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. 

Now what do you say?"

but Jesus didn't say anything just

bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger.

"If any one of you is without sin, to throw a stone at her."

then people began to go away

Jesus said to her "I do not condemn you, either you Go"

and his hand still wants to forgive our sins

if anyone who come to Jesus today

he will forgive our sins and give life forever more

and John chapter 13

Jesus washed the disciples’ feet with His hand

and showed us servant leadership

and still today his hand wants to touch our heart 

and John chapter 11 when people hungry 

Jesus Bless food with his hand 

and people were fed and 12 baskets left over

and still his hand wants to bless our lives today

you know

Jesus already knew that he was going to die

Jesus already knew that peter going to deny him

Jesus already knew that Judea going to betray him 

Jesus already knew that he going to be crucified

but Jesus still love them with his last breath

father for give them 

because they don't know what they are doing

brothers and sisters 

Jesus hand is hand of love

his hand made someone stand when they fell down 

his hand healed someone who had sickness 

his hand is hand of release for those who are suffering

his hand is hand of blessing for those who belong to him 

brothers and sisters 

what kind of hand do you want to be 

hand of excuse 

hand of betray 

or hand of love 

brothers and sisters 

I want all you become a hand of love amen

we must share God's love to others

then we can expand kingdom of God here in this world 

bible says 

even you speaking in the tongues of man and of angels 

but have not love we are nothing

even you have faith that can move the mountain 

but we have no love we are nothing

even you have gift of prophesy, gift of healing, 

gift of knowledge 

even you have all the 9 kind of gift

but have no love we are nothing

only resounding gongs(멈춤)

brothers and sisters 

do you believe that God love us

and do you love God

yes God loves us 

God is love 

share love of God to others

then how to become hand of love 

commit our lives into the potters hand 

then he will mold us 

he will equip us as his will 

and he will use us for his glory and his kingdom 

father we thank you this afternoon 

and we thank you for your love and mercy

and father 

help us to love you in all things and above all things

fill our heart with your love

and help us to love one another with your love 

once again we thank you for your everlasting love 

we give praise, honor and thanks giving 

in Jesus name we pray

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