Ill) my wife driving
There's nothing wrong with my car,
actually my car has no problem
The problem is my wife.
She doesn't really know how to drive.
Brothers and sisters
Say amen if you believe that our God is almighty
yes we have God who is omnipotence
his power has no limit
There is no problem with God's power
The problem is the operator
you know some times we don't know how to use it.
so today we going to share
how to use the power of God in our lives
brothers and sisters we have to know this one
there is an invisible world that is just as real -
as the visible world
we tend to think that invisible world is not real
some believers tend to accept as reality only those things
that we can see,hear, touch
but i tell you brothers and sisters there is an invisible world-
that we cannot see we cannot hear and we cannot touch
Bible says in Ephesians 6;12
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the authorities,
against the powers of this dark world
and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms"
there is the the power in unseen world
there is the power of the air
we have to fight with this enemy
and weather we like it or not we are already involved in this warfare
and this is what we call spiritual warfare
So we have to fight against them
we have to fight against them with the Power of God
and praise God... Power of God is unlimited
but Satan's power has a limit
so do not afraid becoz victory is ours
we do not fight for victory
but we fight from victory to victory amen
Then when we fight with them
what weapons do we have to use(need)?
Today, I want introduce to you
these weapons of spiritual warfare.
Let us open our bibles to
2 Corinthians 10:3-5.
"For though we live in the world,
we do not wage war as the world does.
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.
On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
We demolish arguments and every pretension
that sets itself up against the knowledge of God,
and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ,"
father we thank you for this day
may your name be glorified
and we invite your presence to be with us
bless your word that will be shared
Open our ears, O Lord,
to hear your word and know your voice.
Speak to our hearts and strengthen us with your living word
that we may serve you today/now and always.
thank you in Jesus name Amen
In spiritual battles we cannot use our physical weapons.
We won't succeed in the battles of this life by our talent,
ability, intelligence, financial or social skills.
In the spiritual battles we must know how to use spiritual weapons.
God has given us weapons to win.
And we can have a victory by using them.
Then which weapons God has given to us
someone knows it but they are not using them
someone doesn't know what spiritual weapons we have
This morning, let’s find out together this spiritual weapon.
1st, The Blood of Jesus
The first weapon that we have is the blood of Jesus.
In the Bible (Revelation 12:11)
"They overcame by the blood and the word of their testimony."
The blood of Jesus is a covering over our mind,
our spirit, or anything in our life,
We can place a blood covering over it,
and the Devil cannot cross the blood line.
When Jesus shed His blood, it conquered sin,
death, disease and every other thing.
so we need to plead the blood of Jesus over our life,
our family, our future.
because There is power in the blood of Jesus.
(diba) when we take communion, we drink wine
that is symbolic of taking into our lives
the very power of the blood of Christ. (amen?)
Martin Luther said "if you squeeze the bible,
blood will flow" What does it means?
If you squeeze an orange you may get orange Juice,
If you squeeze sesame seed then you can get sesame oil, right?
Like this he said if you squeeze the bible, blood will flow.
It means the core of the bible is Jesus' blood
Hebrews 9: 22 says;
"Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."
We can not come to God without Jesus' blood.
we have to know this one brothers and sisters
Through Jesus' blood we have salvation.
Through Jesus' blood we have citizenship in heaven
Through Jesus' blood we have triumph in spiritual warfare
There is power of the blood of Jesus.
누나이야기 예수 피 예수 피….
Brothers and sisters
His blood has power.
Power to redeem, power to transform, power to give life,
Power to heal, protect, deliver
And important thing is that His blood is still working today.
His blood is still powerful today
"There is power power wonder working power,
in the blood of the Lamb."
2nd, the Name of Jesus
The name of Jesus is another powerful weapon for the Christian soldier.
Bible says (Proverbs 18:10)
"the name of the Lord is a strong tower,
the righteous run into it and they are safe.".
The devil hates that name
They are afraid of the name of Jesus.
They know Jesus very well
When Jesus showed up to the devil He says I know who you are
Jesus of Nazareth the Holy one of God,
what do you want with us?
Have you come to destroy us?
And Jesus said be quiet and come out And he came out
(praise the Lord)
Even Jesus’ disciples had power over the devil by the name of Jesus.
When they use the name of Jesus they had power.
"Silver or gold I do not have,
but what I have I give you.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
I command you, you walk.
And the crippled man walked.
And that power is the same today.
When we use the name of Jesus
we will destroy the power of darkness
The devil will run away. (Amen)
Because, there is a power in the name of Jesus.
"there is power in the name of Jesus Break every chain."
there is a power in the name of the Lord
There is an authority in the name of Jesus.
ILL) the police. (Baguio city mayor)
The name of the Lord is a strong tower
The devil cannot penetrate past (enter) the name of Jesus.
So when we feel a spiritual attack in our life,
use the name of Jesus.
There is something about that name.
When we pray we use Jesus name
Because in his name there is power
Bible says in John 14; 14,"
You may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it.
"And Colossians 3; 17
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed,
do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,"
Yes, brothers and sisters, Here in this world,
This is the only name that brings salvation,
peace, healing and deliverance to all who seek.
"No other name but the name of Jesus" ( Acts 4:12).
3rd, Word of God
Another spiritual weapon that we have is the Word of God
God's Word has power
Everything was created by God's spoken word.
And He is still working through his word today.
The power of His word is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Bible says Hebrew 4:12
"The word of God is living and powerful,
and sharper than the two-edged sword."
God is working through the power of His written word
God's word is alive, it speaks to you and me
I tell you one true story
There is one thief in Japan
One night he went to a lady’s dorm of bible school
He stole everything and went home
And when he checked the things he stole
He found a bible
So he threw it in the corner of his room
One day he was so bored
Nothing to do so he got back the bible that he threw
Just opened it and read it
that is in Ephesians 4;28 and it says
"Let him who steals still no longer;
but rather let him labor,
performing with his own hands what is good,
in order that he may have to share with him who has need.”
When he read this passage he was shock
It seems somebody’s watching him
somebody saying to him
That night he went out again to steal but he couldn't do it
Because he was constantly reminded by the verse
he read from the bible “steal no longer...”
So he did not steal and just roaming around
Then he heard the sound of a bell from a church
With out any reason, he found himself going inside the church
Then he listened to the pastor’s preaching about the 10 commandment.
And he is preaching... Do not lie do not steal…
So after that service he met the pastor and repentant
and became a Christian instantly ….praise the Lord
Later on he went bible school and he became a pastorin Sapporo
And he got married
And one day the wife saw husband bible
She said honey where did you get this bible?
this is my bible when I study in bible school
He married with the owner of the bible he stole
And the very same bible that transformed him from thief into pastor
Praise God
There is power in the word of God
There is authority the word of God
The devil cannot make the Word of God which is truth, fail.
Read the Bible; listen to the word of God
And examine the word of God
Apply the Word of God in your life
The more we fill our lives with the word of God
The more we become like Christ
It is His word that shapes our lives to do His will.
You know. There are more than 7000 promises in the Bible
We should make those promises to become ours
Let those promises work in our lives
The Word of God should be our standard
The word of God must be our adviser
The word of God must be our compass in directing our life's transaction
The Bible is not only given to us to increase our knowledge
But also to change our lives.
In the Word of God there is power
power to create, and power to change our circumstance.
And I do believe when you use the word of God against the devil
we will defeat every enemy.
4th, Faith
there is another spiritual weapon that is faith Amen
Bible says righteous will live by faith
we are not live by sight we live by faith
now faith is being sure of what we hope for
and certain of what we do not see
so we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen
when we see the situation doubt is coming
but when we focus to Jesus faith is increasing amen
when we see the water we are sinking
but when we fix our eyes unto Jesus we walk on the water
so we do not see surroundings
so we do not listen what people says
we look at Jesus mouth
and listen what Jesus says
and we will live by faith Amen
somebody say i walk by faith
come on faith is speaking
everybody said i walk by faith
Jesus says in Mark 1122-23
"have faith in God -Jesus answered
Truly I tell you, if anyone says(it is not think/wish/ it is says) to this mountain,
'Go, throw yourself into the sea,'
and does not doubt in their heart
but believes that what they say will happen,
it will be done for them.
believe and saying
faith and speaking
these goes together
According to Jesus , if we believe but say nothing that is not faith
he didn't say this works if anyone believes in their heart
he didn't say this works if anyone thinks
he said it works if any one says it works if anyone speaks
Jesus connected speaking with believing.
Faith and words. They are inseparable(인쎄`퍼러블)
so we need both part Believing and saying/ faith and speaking
once again "I walk by faith"
Romans 10;17 so then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by word of God
bible says faith comes by hearing the word of God
and we declare word of God with our mouth
we proclaim that God's promise to be ours
We eat rice for our body and we have excise for our health
we eat rice and excise then we have muscles
like this
faith comes by hearing and then applying the word of God
for faith, excise is speaking
then we will have strong steady faith
(아줌마 신문지에구두쌈)
faith is seed
it seems small and weak,
but it has life in it
if it is cultivated, it will grow and release power
And though i started with little, i will end with much. Job 8;7
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 시23;1
nothing is impossible with God who believes
so continue to declare word of God with our mouth
apply promise of God in our lives with our mouth
there is a power in our speaking
Speaking the Word is called "Confession."
There is a saying, "Confession brings possession."
so I speak in the name of Jesus
this mountain will go away
all the problem will go away
frustration will go way
failure will go away
enemy will defeated
and we will have a victory
a certain woman had a flow for 12 years
so she went looking for medicines and doctotrs who can heal her
but she failed
and she had spend all the money
already she was getting worst every day
physically she was suffering every moment
since she was loosing her blood so much
she was suffering terribly from anemia
and she always felt dizzy
so she was crying everyday
by and by her familly and her freind left her
she had no joy no peace at all
and finally one day she heard wonderful good news
someone come to her and said if you meet Jesus you can heal
i can heal?
who is Jesus
suddenly she had a hope in her heart
if i meet Jesus i can heel and my life will be changed
yes i will meet Jesus
somehow and some way , i will meet Jesus
Jesus is my last hope
she was waiting patiently for Jesus Christ coming
and one day she heard that Jesus was passing by that town
she came out from her house
and she ran to the Jesus
and there, thousands of people was surrounding Jesus
but she was pushing through the crowd
she was reaching her hand to touch Jesus
many times she was pushed away
many times she fell down
but she was not discouraged
and she never gave up
she stand up again and again
she reached out (x2)
finally she touched the cloth of Jesus
then the power of God come through her
instantly she was healed
miracle happened in her body
praise God
then Jesus stopped
and he turn around
Jesus said someone touched me
peter reply Jesus many people are touching you
you see people are surrounding you
no some one touched me with Faith
bible says it will be done according to your faith
say amen if Jesus is your lord
then reaching hand in to Jesus
and touch him with your faith
when you touch him with your faith
his power will going to come to you
becoz his power is the same yesterday today and forever
5th Prayer and fasting
Brothers and sisters
Do you believe in the power of prayer?
Yes there is power in prayer
Ill) Yonggi Cho has strong belief in the power of prayer and fasting,
if someone comes to them with problem or urgent need, his standard answer is,
"go to Prayer Mountain and fast and pray for 3 days."
If they return with the problem still unsolved,
tell them to go and fast and pray for a week. (ten days-forty days)
Yes it is true.
To pray is the key to solve our problems
To pray is the answer for all the matters.
To pray is the way of blessing.
Prayer changes our situation.
Prayer changes the circumstances that surround us.
The devil also knows this fact.
That is why he interrupts our prayer.
He says "do it what ever you want, except prayer.
"God knows everything your situation already, so no need to pray.
Brothers and sisters
Do not get deceived that whispering
Devil is liar
If you hear this voice Rebuke him in the name of Jesus
and continue to pray to God.
Although God knows what we need even before we ask
He still wants listen to our prayer
Ill)my mother’s prayer
there is power in prayer
The most important thing of today and tomorrow is prayer
I really want this church get to be church of prayer
I want all of you become a man of prayer
If we pray earnestly miracles will happen
Problem will go away
It is not because we are very nice people but because God hears our prayer
Bible says pray continually
God does not guarantee those who do not pray
But if we eager to pray, the blessing of God will be given to us
God wants to show great thing to the person who prays
Let’s communicate with God through prayer
Let’s make this church the church of prayer
Pray for your family
Pray for your children
Because there are lots of temptations in this world
Pray to God
Cry out to God
seek the Lord while he maybe found, call him while he is near
The Lord longs to be gracious to you and your family
He waits on high to have compassion on you and me
There is no other way but prayer
6th, praise and worship
Praising God is another spiritual weapon for our battle.
There is a power in praising God.
You know pray and praise came from the same word origin.
Praise is a way of praying with tune and music.
Praise and worship brings God's present
Do you experience God when you praise and worship?
God promises that He inhabits our praising.
ex.)한국에선 잘 몰랐다 /마닐라 찬양
"Let everything that has breathed praise the Lord."
It means we should praise Him all the time
And We have to see that praising is the way
to overcome spiritual attacks
Satan also hate the one who praise God
therefore Satan attacks the praise of God’s children.
The ultimate goal of Satan is to stop all praises to God.
becoz praise is a victory
praise signifies spiritual victory.
Whenever we praise, Satan flees.
whenever we praise, Satan run away
That is why, Satan hates our praising the most.
Satan use all his strength to stop our praising.
God’s children are foolish if they stop praising
All believers are commanded to praise God!
all nature praises God
the sun moon and stars praise to God
the angels praise God
In fact, praise is one reason we were created,
"This people I have formed for Myself;
they shall declare My praise."
so we praise God in any circumstances
we have to praise God in any situation
not only good time but also hard time we praise God
Paul and Silas were praising God even inside the jail.
when they praise God all the jail doors opened
and the chains broke.
The jailer believed in the Lord on that day,
There is power in praising God
Praising is a powerful tool.
so continue to praise God with our faith
The more we praise Him the more our Faith increases
The more we praise Him the more we will see His hand
Praise God in the face of all the problems and in the face of Satan.
Do not wait until the enemy runs away to sing.
We have to sing to chase him away.
When we praise Him in faith,
the single enemy will be defeated and driven away.
praise is a victory
박수 주님영광
Brother and sisters
our weapons are the Blood of Jesus, the name of Jesus,
word of God, prayer and fasting, and praising God .
and through these weapons
I want all of you to walk in victory every day,
and defeat the devil in every place,.
The battle is the Lord's and the victory is ours
Jesus, we enthrone you
we proclaim you are king
standing here, in the midst of all
we raise you with our praise
and as we worship fill the throne
and as we worship fill the throne
and as we worship fill the throne
come lord Jesus and take your place
싸카바라 바따따
얀다라 야카타 쏘꼬또 바카하따
father, once again we thank you this morning
and we thank you the word that you given us today
and thank you father that you teach us -
how to use your power in our spiritual warfare
so I pray in the name of Jesus,
your precious blood cover all who are in need of protection
yes father, nothing is more powerful than blood of Jesus
So let your blood Flow upon us cleans us purify us
and we know that there is power in the name of Jesus
so i apply and pray in the name of Jesus
if there is weakness turn into strength,
sorrow into joy and pain into comfort
in the name of Jesus i command now
break every chain,
break the power of darkness
frustration will go away,
troubles will go away
give us victory
thank you Jesus, thank you holy spirit
and father, help us continue to walk in Faith
even though we cannot see tomorrow
we believe that you hold our future
Increase in us, father, the faith you have given us
give us strong and steady faith
thank you Jesus we bless your name
we exalt your name the most high
thank you Jesus we sing to praise you
we worship you hallelujah Jesus
father this time i pray for this church
father you bless upon bless this church
make this church, the church of prayer
church of love and church of power
use this church to make real impact on the lost
and bless all this church workers and congregation
father you anoint them with your power of the Holy spirit
meet their ministerial and personal needs to overflowing
provide richly to their emotional, spiritual and physical needs
use them mightily for your kingdom and your greater glory
bless their life bless their family bless their ministry
once again we thank you for giving us victory
glory honor and highest praise
in Jesus name amen
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