영어 설교

the bread of life

JT Sung 2005. 5. 16. 17:21

John 6;35 Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. 

He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty 

ILL) Rev. kim hongdo’s mother 

Brothers and sisters 

When Israelites are in desert 

They don’t have a food 

So they complain to the Moses. 

Then God provide their food which is manna 

Manna was a gift from Heaven. 

And Jesus is the bread of life 

Do you know there are many similarities between the manna and the Jesus Christ? 

Manna is symbolic of Jesus Christ. 

Jesus says that the Manna is a type of Himself. 

So this morning I’d like to notice the various ways that the Manna speaks of Jesus. 

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.” 

1. It Was White - Exodus 16:31 

The manna is white, it is pure, clean, has no blemish. 

This reminds us of the sinless, holy nature of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

He was born without sin, lived without sin 

and died without sin. 

He was absolutely impeccable in His character 

Jesus is the sinless Son of God 

Brothers and sisters 

We should follow Gods’ righteousness 

We have to reach his Holiness amen? 

Our body is the temple of God 

So we should make it clean and pure 

then the spirit of God may dwell in us. 

2. It Was Round - Exodus 16:14 

Round means, forever no beginning and no end. 

This speaks of Christ’s eternal nature. 

Jesus did not have His beginning in Bethlehem, 

but He has always been, 

Jesus doesn’t have any birth date 

He already existed even before time and he will be there even after the end 

He is alpha and omega 

He is the eternal Son of God 

Nothing lasts forever. 

I don’t know when but we will die some day 

But bible says he will rein lasts forever and ever. 

His kingdom will never end 

Brothers and sisters 

Do you have Jesus Christ in your life? 

Do you believe that Jesus is your personal savior? 

Then we will have eternal life Amen? 

3. It Came in the Evening - Exodus 16:13-14 

Manna did not come down daytime 

It came in the evening 

Brothers and sisters 

Jesus came to a world lost in spiritual darkness and gave them light and life. 

Like this 

We should go to the lost people and tell them the Gospel 

That is the Jesus last command to us Amen? 

and one thing more 

we should be light here in this world. 

4. It was small - Exodus 16:14  

The manna is not big. It is small 

This speaks of Christ’s humility. 

He is the king of kings and he is the Lord of Lords. 

But He wasn’t born in a king’s palace, but in a manger. 

He lived a poor life all the time he was in this world. 

He always had a nature of God, he is God. 

But he made himself nothing, emptied himself 

He humbled himself and became obedient to death. 

Brothers and sisters 

We should imitate a Christ like attitude 

If you humble yourself, God will exalt you 

But if you exalt yourself, God will make you nothing. 

Bible says Philippians 2;3~5  it says 

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, 

but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 

Each of you should look not only to your own interests, 

 but also to the interests of others. 

5. It Was Misunderstood By Those Who Found It - Exodus 16:15  

When they saw the manna They said, "What is it?" 

And Jesus was misunderstood by the very people He came to save - 

John 1:10; He was in the world, 

and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 

By the way, He is still misunderstood today! 

He is more than a teacher, a prophet. 

He is the Son of God! He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Amen? 

He is our saviour 

He is Christ he is messiah 

and he is our soon coming king 


6. It Was Sufficient For Every Man’s Need - Exodus 16:17-18 

This reminds us that Jesus is the all-sufficient Savior. 

Jesus is the True Bread. 

He is more than sufficient for all the necessities of our pilgrimage through life. 

In His miracles of feeding the hungry, 

He revealed the truth that He is the source of supply. 

He is the living and life-giving Bread.. 

He is the Support of our life and because of His inexhaustible resources; 

He is the satisfaction of our life. 

All who receive Him have everlasting life. Amen? 


7. It Was Sweet To The Taste - Exodus 16:31 

 Those who partook of the Manna found it sweet and satisfying. 

By the same token, 

all those who receive Jesus as their Savior find Him to be sweet to the soul and satisfying to the life. 

That is why we are encouraged by David to "taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8. 

Do you believe God is good? 

As long as you abide in him, day by day, you will feel more sweet amen?  

Brothers and siters 

After all, Jesus is the real Bread! 

he brings us to life and gives us the ability to believe. 

Yet even as living Christians, we are forever complaining, 

forever demanding more, and forever misusing the gifts that God gives us. 

But God, in His mercy, forever forgives, forever gives, 

and forever keeps faithful to His promise to us.  

The story of the manna proves this truth. 

how faithful our LORD is - how He constantly gives us the bread of Life - 

in spite of how many times we fail the tests. 


Now I will close the sermon with one story 

cat and moues 장자의 이야기 

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