영어 설교

The Wedding at Cana (John 2; 1-11)

JT Sung 2007. 7. 12. 20:37

The wedding at Cana (John2;1-11) 

Father we thank you for this morning 

may your name be glorified 

and we invited your present to be with us 

bless your word that will be shared 

Today's passage is a very famous story. 

as you know This is the first miracle of Jesus 

Jesus started his public life at wedding banquet 

And through today’s passage we will learn something 

The 1st point I would like to share concerning this story is that: 

God is our Joy 

in wedding there is Joy 

in wedding there is happiness 

like this God wants us to live a happy life 

therefor as a christian, we should enjoy happiness in our lives 

we should be happy all the time 

bible says be joyful always Amen 

so brothers and sisters 

let's celebrate Jesus everyday 

let's make fiesta in our life all the time 

even though I have nothing i'm happy because I have Jesus 

even though I have difficulties I do not worry because God is with us 

for the joy of the Lord is my strength amen 

May be all of you knows Zacchaeus story 

One of theologian says that Zacchaeus has no parents (dao) 

he grew up with his relatives 

and the people ignore him 

so he wants to be rich 

he wants to have a high position 

so he worked hard and played hard 

finally he got a high position 

he became a chief tax collector and became wealthy 

but he was not happy 

he thought, if he is rich, he will be happy but he is not 

he thought, if he has a high position, he will be happy but he is not 

but when he met Jesus Christ, he found a happiness and joy in his life 

so brothers and sisters 

Happiness does not rely on property 

happiness does not rely on position 

Jesus said to Zacchaeus 

"Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today." 

and Jesus continue to say 

"Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham." (Luke 19;9) 

he became a son of Abraham 

he belong to God 

so brothers and sisters once again 

we can't buy happiness with money 

we can't buy happiness with position 

but we have joy and happiness when we belong to God Amen 

So the most important thing is our present address. 

belong to God or belong to the world? 

and i thank God because we are all belong to God 

so brothers and sisters continue to fellowship with God and live for His Glory 

the more you draw near to God then God also draw near to you amen 

once again 

I want all of you to have a joy every day 

I want all of you to make everyday a wedding 

because, our Lord is our Joy amen 

and no.2 

God is transformer 

Did you watch the movie ‘Transformer’? 

A robot was transformed into car, jet plane, truck and so on. 

Any way, that is not a real thing, it’s only a computer graphic. 

But our God is the real transformer 

Jesus did not come to give us information; 

He came to give us a transformation. 

He changes things. 

He has a way of taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary. 

Some people have trouble believing this kind of miracle, 

But it is only because they do not understand the kind of God we have. 

Actually, turning water into wine is something that God does every day 

Our God is in the transformation business. 

The world wants us to get a new fashion a new style new hairdo or something 

People want to go on a diet or get a face lift. 

they wear earing not only ears but also nose even they put in the lips 

People they consider their looks 

You know Emie and Morcita, what they are doing in the office? 

They always make up their face 

Ex) fix face in plastic surgery 

Brothers and Sisters 

Jesus does not want to change your looks, 

He wants to change your heart. 

we want to look better on the outside, 

But Jesus wants to make us new on the inside. 

And when that transformation takes place, (when you change inside) 

It will show on the outside. Amen 

And No. 3 

God is sufficient. 

There were six jars containers 

That is around 150 gallons. (Around 500 liter) 

That is a lot of wine. 

There is no way the guests could have consumed that much wine. 

Then why did Jesus give so much wine? 

Because he is an extravagant giver. 

He never gives just enough; 

He always gives superabundantly. 

This is the same thing Jesus did when he fed the multitude. 

He multiplied five breads and two fish so that 5,000 men were fed. 

And when everyone had eaten their fill, 

There were twelve baskets of bread and fish left over. 

He gave them more than they could possibly eat. 

Brothers and sisters this is the way God gives. 

Praise the Lord 

Ex) ABC Bible school 

Our God is a God of abundance! 

Jesus said, (John 10:10).  

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” 

And one thing more 

The transformed wine tasted good (very delicious) 

(깐까나이 음식이 맛있을 때 음,) 

When the people of the banquet tasted the wine 

They were all surprised 

They could not believe what they tasted. 

They said, (John 2:10) 

“Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine 

after the guests have had too much to drink; 

but you have saved the best till now.” 

brothers and sisters 

Jesus always saves the best till last 

Are you being blessed today? 

You will be blessed more tomorrow 

And you will be blessed more and more the following days 

Above all, when we enter heaven 

We will have perfect joy, perfect peace and perfect happiness in the last day 

Praise the Lord  

Then how could we examine the miracle of the Jesus today? 

What constitute a miracle?

1st invite Jesus 

Today’s passage verse 2 it says 

"Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding.” 

If Jesus was not there, miracle will not happened 

So we need to invite Jesus 

Invite Jesus and receive him in your life 

Invite Jesus and welcome him in your home 

Then the power of Christ will come to you 

Brothers and sisters 

God is The Source. Amen? 

When your world is turned upside-down. 

When it seems as if hell is hovering right over your head 

When it seems that your wine has run out, go to The Source 

our God is the source of everything 

all things comes out from God 

Psalms 46:1, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” 

Tell somebody ..."invite Jesus" 

2nd wait for the time 

Today passage verse 4 it says”My time has not yet come." 

Ex) Jeepney (when I first came here and I had first cultural shock that is.....) 

Brothers and sisters 

We have to know this one 

Our time and God's time is different 

some times we want now, now, now 

We want answer instantly 

walang patient 

But there is God's time 

He knows the best time for us amen 

Wait patiently 

Then someday the power of Christ will come to you 

And he will hold your hand Amen 

Ex) my story 

Tell somebody "wait for the time" 

3rd Obey the word of God 

Today passage verse 5 it says "Do whatever he tells you." 

Brothers and sisters 

Obey is the way of blessing amen? 

장호원 미장원

Like this, we have to obey our Father God 

Even if sometimes we don't understand the word of God 

We just obey his command. Amen? 

In today's passage 

When they obey and put water in the jar 

Then the water transformed into wine 

Miracle happened amen 

brothers and sisters 

Obey the word of God is the way of blessing 

When Jesus told the people "Remove the stone," 

people don't understand what Jesus has said 

but they obeyed and removed the stone. 

Then Lazaro woke up. 

when Elisa ask food from the widow 

she obeyed even though she had last meal for them 

so God bless them and their food no longer dry out 

Jesus said to peter 

"Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch. 

and when he obeyed they got such a large number of fish 

Brothers and sisters, 

Like this, obey the word of God 

Even you don't understand sometimes 

Just obey the word of God 

Then God will guide you to a better way 

And miracle will happen in your life amen. 

4th fill to the brim 

Today’s passage verse 7 it says 

Jesus said to the servants, 

"Fill the jars with water so they filled them to the brim." 

Here I want consider the word ‘brim’ 

They filled the water to the brim 

Means it is filled right up the top 


Brothers and sisters 

If you do something and there is no result 

It is because you didn't fill to the brim 

When you start you should do it till the finish 

if you give up in the midway there is no result/ no fruit 

I know one ifugao pastor 

he entered 8 colleges but he did not have any diploma 

he study mechanic school but after one semester he stop 

and he went computer school and he stop again 

and next year he went agricultural school and he stop again 

walang certificate 

now he is studying in ABC 

and I hope he will graduate ABC 

so brothers and sisters 

when you do something do it till the finish 

fill to the brim (우마 아파오)Amen 

As you know commander Naaman had leprosy 

And he came to Elisa house to heal his disease 

And Elisa sent a messenger to him and said 

You go to Jordan River and wash 7 times 

So he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan River 

But nothing happened 

And he dipped again 

Nothing happened 

3times, 4times ....6 times 

Still nothing happened 

But when he dipped himself 7 times in the Jordan River 

He was healed 

It is the same Jericho 

The Lord said "march around Jericho once and do it seven days" 

Then the wall of Jericho will collapsed 

So they went around Jericho but nothing happen 

And next day they went around again Nothing happen 

3 days, 4days... 6 days Still nothing happened 

But on the seventh day when they went around Jericho 

It collapsed Praised the lord 

Miracle will happen when it fills to the brim 

When you boil water 

It is still water. It is still liquid still fluid 

70 degree 80.....99. Water is boiling but still water 

But when it becomes 100 degree 

The Water become changed with the air 

Liquid transformed into air 

So brothers and sisters 

my point is this one 

when Commander Naaman washed in the river till 6 times 

his illness had no progress 

he was not healed little by little 

but when he washed 7 times in jordan river 

when obeyed in full 

he was healed instantly 

it is same with Jericho 

even they marched around Jericho for 6 days 

the wall is still there 

the wall did not collapsed little by little 

but on the 7th day when they finished marching around 

when they fully obeyed what god told them to do 

the wall of Jericho collopsed at once 

God's work is like this 

how about your lives  brothers and sisters 

you try to wash 3 or 4 times in jordan river 

and there is nothing happen and will you be stop? 

you just turn around wall of Jericho 5 or 6 days 

and there's nothing happen and will you give up? 

Fill to the brim 

Fill your worship to the brim 

Fill your prayer to the brim 

Fill your offering to the brim 

what God wants us to do is to give our full obedience 

he wants our full dedication not half 

he wants our full sacrifice not half 

fill to the brim today 

give yourself fully to the Lord 

pray, till you be healed like Naaman 

praise, till wall of Jericho collapsed 

fill it to the brim till the water transform into the wine 

Our God is alive 

And his power is the same yesterday today and forever 

fill to the brim 

then you will experience miracles in your life amen 

shall we sing this song 

Jesus we enthrone You

We proclaim You are King Standing here in the midst of us We raise You up with our praise And as we wor - ship build a throne And as we wor - ship build a throne And as we wor - ship build a throne Come Lord Jesus and take Your place

this is my desire to honour you 

lord with all my heart I worship you 

all I have with in me I give you praise 

all that I adore is in you 

lord I give you my heart I give you my soul 

I live for you alone 

very breath that I take every moment i'm awake 

Lord have your way in me 

Let us pray 

father once again we thank you for this afternoon 

we thank u for your word that you have given to us today 

yes father we cannot change ourselves by our own mean 

only you are the transformer 

so father we ask you to transform us as your purpose 

may our lives be transformed to a life that is pleasing in your sight 

and help us 

Fill our worship to the brim 

Fill our prayer to the brim 

and also help us  fill our life to the brim with your blessings today

give us victory and fruitful life for your Glory 

if there is any hindrance for our victory 

i rebuke and resist you, in the name of Jesus

go away do not come in this house again 

thnak you Jesus and thank you holy spirit

and once again i pray in the name of Jesus

and call upon the power of His precious blood 

there will be releasing abundant blessing today

there will be releasing super natural power today

there will be releasing sufficiency grace in this house 

there will be victory in this house now and forever 

and we expect the angels show up today

we expect supernatural glory today

whatever you do today

not by mine not by power 

but by the blood of Jesus 

your precious Spirit 

Saturate in this place 

once again we thank you for everything 

we give glory , honor and praise now and forever

in Jesus name we pray

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