영어 설교

if God wants 출 35;30-36;7

JT Sung 2016. 7. 25. 17:25

if God wants 출 35;30-36;7

Good morning

welcome to Philippines Asia bible college

as you know, we are Pentecostal Bible school 

and we are member of APTA 

so  our school follow APTA program

that is why after graduate ABC 

you can go to APTS ,PBTS or ATS in manila

we are also member of PABATS-

Philippines association of bible and theological schools

and our school is trimester 

diba  for graduating college, it will take 4 years

but our school,it will take 2 and half years coz trimester 

you know  if you take 8 subject every time dalagang full back 

you can take 2 years only with in 2 years you can graduate 

so i tell you brothers and sisters 

do not wast the time take full subject as you can 

bible says harvest is plentiful but worker is few

some our old student already study more than 4 years 

but not yet graduate i don,t know what what they are doing?

one thing more from this year i will tell you something 

all scholarship student even 10%-if your score is less then 80 

we will with-row your scholarship ok?

and one more from this year  if you do not take my subject(3 subject)

if did not take even one subject you cannot  have graduate 

so even old student you check your last year my subject fell down 

you have to take again this is no mercy

coz last year among our graduate 

2 student they do not take my subject even single 

but i do not know how they graduate 

i don't them all but they are ABC graduates

i don't want this happen again 

so i made if you graduate you take all my subject

and another one if you get scholarship award or leadership award

i promise them to bring Korea next year 

once again welcome to all new students

and welcome back for the new students 

let us open bible with me~~

Exodus 35;30-36;7

let us pray 

Father we blessed your name and as we listen to your words 

let your living words minister us and bless each every one of us 

We can do many things without God 

but there is no happy no joy

but only in God’s will can we find true joy, fulfillment.

and expect someday to hear from Him… 

“Well done, good and faithful servant.”

and praise God you are here in ABC 

and i do believe it is Gods plan for you 

you are here to study word of God 

because of God's will amen?

today title is when you obey God's plan 


today's Scripture God wants Moses to build a Tabernacle

But Moses doesn't have any ability to do that

he doesn't have any knowledge, any skill for it

either he doesn't have money 

But God fulfill this work through Moses 

Because that is His plan for him 

let us see together, How God work his plan through Moses

if God wants

no1 He will give relational- power 

meaning, He will give us good co-worker

maybe some of you know Paster David yonggi cho

He is senior pastor in yeoido full gospel church in Korea

and his church member is 750,000

50 years ago, when he was pioneering his church

God gave him a coworker whose name is Jasil choi 

They are class mate in bible school 

And they work together in one church until pastora choi died 

When they started church 

Pastor Yonggi Cho is 18 years old 

And he is only bible school student 

and he is young so that he lacks social experience 

That is why God made him meet Jasil choi. 

She is an old woman and she has a lot of experience. 

So she could help to counsel the church problems. 

One thing more she is the woman of prayer. 

She was helping pastor Yonggi cho through prayer 

And she is the foundress for the Osanri Fasting Prayer Mountain 

that is a famous prayer mountain in my country 

Without Jasil choi we could not think about Yoido Full Gospel Church. 

Like this if God wants us to do something 

God will make us meet good people 

that is relational power 

Today’s passage Exodus 36;1 

“So Bezalel, Oholiab and every skilled person to whom the LORD 

has given skill and ability to know how to carry out all the work of constructing 

constructing tabernacle is God’s planl to Moses 

so God gave him co-worker Bazalel and Oholiab

Because; Moses doesn’t know how to build the Tabernacle. 

He doesn’t have any skill for that 

But God made him to meet every skilled person. 

So that he could accomplish to build the Tabernacle. 

you know, when  I start ABC, i started togerther with Ptr.Goh

(여기 처음 왔을때 같이옴)

if I didn’t meet ptr. Gho May be ABC did not materialize 

Like this we God wants us to do something 

He will make us to meet people 

(페드로 나 만나서 부하이)

So brothers and sisters 

when you have your ministry or work for God 

you will meet somebody 

God will give you co-worker 

This is how God work in us amen? 

And if God wants  

2nd God will give financial power

Let see Scripture Exodus chapter 36;5 

"The people are bringing more than enough for doing the work 

the Lord commanded to be done." 

When Moses started to build the Tabernacle 

Many people come and brought an offering to the Lord. 

They brought gold silver and bronze and offered it 

They brought brooches, earrings, rings, necklaces 

and all kinds of Jewelry and dedicated them to the Lord 

The people are bringing more than enough for the work 

So Moses told them that’s enough, stop the offering 

so the people did not bring any more 

Because what they already had more than enough to finish all the work. 

Brothers and sisters 

when God wants us to do something 

He will give us financial blessing. 

He will bless us more than enough to finish all the work. 


so money is not a problem 

problem is we will follow God's will or not

that is the problem amen

now you are here in ABC because you follow his will

you are here coz you willing to obey his plan

now God will give you financial power amen

now he will pour out his blessing unto you 

don't worry 

Carmel is coming 

if there is Jesus Magi (wise men)is coming with many pasalubong

camel is coming if there is Jesus

If there is Jesus  they come and open their treasure and will give Gold incense and myrrh 

(골드/인센스 앤 멀~)

evrybody says camel is coming

So do not forget this one

when God wants us to do something 

He will give us financial power 

When God work through us 

He makes us over flow for financial blessing. 

He will bless us more than enough to finish all the work. amen 

if God wants

3rd he will give Spiritual Power 

Today’s passage verse 31 

“And he has filled him with the Spirit of God” 

Brothers and sisters 

This is very important 

if God wants us to do something

He will give us spiritual power

So that we could accomplish God’s work 

maybe some of you are little bit afraid to be a pastor or minister 

after graduate here i can preach the word of God 

can i be a pastor ?

but don't worry God will give us spiritual power 

as you know when Jesus died 

The disciples were so confused. 

There, they were not sure how all of this is going to turn out. 

They were not sure just what they were supposed to do next. 

They didn’t fully understand all that has happened. 

They didn’t know exactly what their task is yet. 

They were just returned to the Jerusalem 

and they pary and pray 

Then suddenly on the Pentecost day 

Immediately they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. 

and they start to working of God amen 

peter was stood up started to preached

and people were touched 

And that day 3000 souls were saved halleluiah 

Brothers and sisters 

The this powerful story of Pentecost has much to teach us 

You know, Peter the man, who was before a fisherman, 

He was the man who denied Jesus 

When Jesus was about to be crucified. 

But now he is totally different 

He dare preach to the crowd. 

How come? That’s becoz of power of the Holy Spirit 

By the power of the Holy Spirit 

Peter’s ordinary be transformed into the extraordinary. 

Becoz of spiritual power

be loved ABCians 

and if this is God's will 

1 relation power 

2 financial power

3 spiritual power 


you know here in the Philippines many Korean missionary 

some of them many sponsor 

some of them good education back ground 

some of em are good at English 

but God choose me to serve ABC school 

Yes I know I have no ability 

I have no knowledge and any skill 

I have no money for operating ABC 


But what I know is that if God wants 

If ABC is God’s will 

He will provide everything for the school 

Only what we need is God’s Power 

Brothers and sisters it is same with you 

Do not something with your own strength 

We can do nothing without God 

We need God’s power 

So I want all of you be filled God’s power everyday 

Connect your plug to the Holy Spirit 

Then you will accomplish God’s work 

May God bless all of you

Let us pray 

Father we thank you once again this moment

Father we thank you for what you have done in our lives 

And father I pray that you continue to shower your blessing unto us

father specially you  bless Asia bible college 

bless all ptrs faculty and staff and all student

they just start their racing in this school year 

and help them to finish this race 

for your kingdom and your glory 

Thank you father that you refresh and strengthen us today 

we give you all the glory honor and praise 

In Jesus mighty Name amen

2016/07/26/ chapel