영어 설교

God is with us(Joshua 1;1~9)

JT Sung 2004. 3. 1. 15:30

1986 when Ninoy Aquino came from the Unite States, He was killed in the airport. 

That time many Filipinos were in grief over Ninoy’s death. 

Because many Filipinos think he is the hope for Philippines’ democratization. 

As we read today’s Scripture, the Israelites great leader Moses died. 

And the Israelites were shock by his death. 

Bible says in Deuteronomy 34; 8 

“The people of Israel mourned for him for thirty days in the plains of Moab.” 

And verse10 

“There has never been a prophet in Israel like Moses.” 

Here we can guess how they were in grief. 

After Moses death, they don’t know what to do next 

And they were worried who will lead them next. 

They were worried whether they can enter the land of Canaan or not. 

They were so afraid for their future. 

That time God spoke to them. 

Today’s passage, verse 2 

“My servant Moses is dead. Get ready now. You and all the people of Israel, 

and cross the Jordan River into the Land that I am giving them.” 

Moses death was a big trouble for the People of Israel. 

But that is nothing to God. 

And when they were in confusion and they don’t know what to do. 

God commanded them to continue to go their way. 

When they were discouraged God encouraged them, 

promise with them and give them vision again. 

Brothers and sisters 

Moses died. The people will die someday. 

We don’t know when but we will die someday. Right? 

But we have to know this one, God will not die he will live forever. 

God existed before the time and God still will exist when the universe is no more. 

Bible says in Psalms 121:3~5 

Even He never dozes or sleeps and He is always awake and protects us. 


May be you know the great Theologian Martin Luther 

When he was disappointed with something. 

His wife was dressed in mourning 

So Luther asked his wife “whose death?” 

And his wife answered “God is dead” 

So Luther was surprised “what are you talking about?” 

And the wife said, “If not then why are you so disappointed?” 

“You always says God is our hope but now you look like you have lost your hope. 

That is why I think God is dead.” 

Brothers and sisters 

Sometimes we are discouraged when we encounter difficult situation 

But don’t forget that God is alive. 

When you lost your vision remember God is alive. 

And the Lord says verse 5 

“I will always be with you. I will never abandon you. 

Always means all the time, every day, countinuously. 

The God who stayed with the Israelites is the same God who is with us here and now. 

And he promises “I will never abandon you” Amen? 

That is why we are not afraid even if we met trials because God is with us 

We are not discouraged even if we encounter any difficulties because God is with us. 

Even if we have temptation that is no problem because God is with us. 

Even if we have trouble but we give praise to God because God is with us. Hallelujah. 

Brothers and sisters 

Are you struggling with some problems? 

Are you suffering? 

Remember God is with us. 

And he will change your situation and give you solution. 

Now I will finish my preach with reading verse 9 

“Remember that I have commanded you to be determined 

and confident! Do not be afraid or discouraged, 

for I the Lord your God, am with you where ever you go.” 

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