영어 설교

Alpha and Omega (Revelation 1; 8)

JT Sung 2004. 3. 1. 15:43

I’m the alpha and omega says the Lord God 

who is and who was and who is to become the all mighty” rev. 1;8 

Father we thank you this afternoon 

we thank you that we are gathering here in your name and we worship you 

and as we start to listen to your word 

let your Holy Spirit speak to our heart 

anoint your servant and flow upon your spirit 

so that your servant speak your word as you have revealed 

and father give us wisdom so we may understand 

Jesus name 

God called Himself as an alpha and omega. 

Alpha and omega means beginning and the end 

he is the beginning and the end.’  

He is first and last 

he is from A to Z 

God existed before the time and will exist forever. 

and His power is the same yesterday, today and forever.” 

God is an unchangeable being. 

God of Abraham, God of David, and God of present has no difference at all. 

He remains the same in his faithfulness, his love and his power. 

He is constant being. 

Brothers and sisters 

Now I’m so glad to meet you 

and I hope that you are still here in next trimester 

and when you graduate this school 

I want all of you will work God's business not worldly business 

and most of all I want to meet you all again in Heaven. 


As our God is alpha and omega 

we also should have unchangeable mind to God 

we started with Jesus and also we have to finish with Jesus  

and today I'd like consider 3 things with you 

1st We should have unchangeable faith as an alpha and omega 

God has unchangeable nature. 

Therefore he seeks unchangeable faith from us. 

He wants us never fading faith that would last from beginning to the end. 

The world changes as the time passes by but not our faith to Him. 

We must be faithful to Him whether we are happy or in sorrow. 

We must be faithful to Him whether we are rich or poor. 

Bible says in Hebrew 11; 6 

"with out faith it is impossible to please to God" 

Hebrew1;11 it says 

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” 

We do not see tomorrow. 

We don’t know our future. 

We don’t know when Jesus will come. 

but I know one thing ‘Jesus is our Lord’ 

And we know that He has a wonderful plan for our life. 

So we must commit ourselves to the Lord and have confidence in Him. 

We need strong and steady faith no matter what.

without faith it is impossible to please to God

Abel gave to God by faith 

Noah obeyed God by faith

Moses had the opportunity to live comfortable life but he gave up 

and choose to suffer affliction with the people of God by faith 

 The righteous will live by faith 

we have to walk by faith not by sight

Yes brothers and sisters, 

We cannot go to heaven by money, education or not even good deeds 

Only by faith we can have salvation 

So I want all of you have a powerful and everlasting faith as an alpha and omega 

2nd We need undying love as an alpha and omega. 

God is love. 

Because of His love, Jesus came to this world 

and He has shown his love. 

And He left this world with love till the last breath. 

He showed his love even when they were cursing and killing Him. 

That’s how God’s love to us. 

His love will never fade and never change. 

Bible says in Revelation 2:4 

“Yet I hold this against you; you have forsaken your first love.” 

God wants our first love. 

Do you experience first love? 

How did you feel that time? 

Did you feel to give everything just for your love? 

That is the first love. 

But when time pass by, it is different, right? 

First time, your love is hot but later on its getting cold 

Bible says, in Matthew 24:12 

“Because of the increase of the wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.” 

This world is getting wicked and there’s a lot of temptation. 

These days Satan’s attack is stronger and more dexterous. 

you know why this world so evil? 

I tell you a story 

when Noah made an ark 

a pair of every animal was loaded into it 

a pair of tiger, a pair of elephant and etc. 

Noah is putting them in pair 

then there is "good" coming on board 

Noah is asking where is your pair 

and good said I don't have a pair 

and noah said without a pair, we cannot allow you on board 

you must go and look for your pair 

so "good" went out looking for his partner 

and finally he found 

his pair is evil you know "Good and evil" 

and he brought his partner 

we are pair good and evil 

so that noah allowed them to go inside 

that is why, this world is so evil because of Noah 

anyway this is just a funny story 

but this is true, this world is so wicked 

bible says 

Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour 

then what shall we do? 

simple continue to love our God and remain in his love 

We must keep our first love to God till the last. 

We must stand firm in His love to the end. 

then God will protect our life from the wicked 

and we will have a peace and joy in our life 


Brothers and sisters 

We have to remember God’s love to us. 

we do not love God first 

but God love to us first 

so that we could love him 

and our love is getting cold 

but His love is getting sweeter as the day goes by 

and his love is richer and deeper as the years go by 

so brothers and sisters 

continue to love him with our whole heart 

and enjoy his love 

3rd We need devotion to Him as an alpha and omega. 

God is everywhere, anytime with us to help. 

He is working without rest. 

That is why we need to devote constantly. 

When we start to believe Jesus Christ, we try our best to serve God. 

But oftentimes our service to God fades away little by little. 

In Tagalog they say “NING AS KUGON” 

When we are young, we all try hard to serve the Lord. 

But when we get older, we intend to become lazy. 

“TAMAD” to serve God. 

ex)나의 신학교 시절 

brothers and sisters 

we should serve him not only Sunday morning 

but 24 hours every day every moment 

and even when we have chapel service we try our best in that service 

check your dress code 

do not wear slipper or short pant 

sit in front as you can 

when we have praise and worship we try our best to sing to the lord 

and preaching time even ptr. Kang interpret 

thank you father, you discipline me, you train my patience 

and still try your best in that service 

and when offering time even coin you should offer 

so that next time you can offering paper money 

and when we shout our theme you shout with louder voice 

I mean from start to finish 

we should our best to serve to God Amen 

I tell you 

if you easy to absent this chapel service 

your church member also will absent easily your church 

and if you not offering, your church member will not offering 

church member follow church ptr. 

they learn from you 

Brothers and sisters 

We must obtain constant devotion to Him. 

We must be faithful to Him no matter what. 

God is alpha and omega being. 

He is the same yesterday. today and forever 

So we Christians must obtain that too. 

Even though come trials, difficulties in our life. 

don’t change our faith, love, devotion to God. 

May God bless all of you and thank you. 

father once again we thank you this after noon 

Thank you for your teaching and your word today 

we thank you for your unchangeable and everlasting love and grace 

father we give our entire self to you now and forever 

and help us to remain in your love forever and ever 

and use us for your glory and kingdom 

and this time I pray for the ABC 

father you bless this school 

you bless all the faculty, staff and all the student 

strengthen us in mind 

strengthen us in body 

and strengthen our soul and spirit 

help us be unite in your love 

and provide every thing what we need 

and bless our ministry bless our family and bless our future life 

thank you father 

we love you we praise you 

in Jesus name amen 

re-touch / Jan. 24. 2008

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