"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you;
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem,
and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
This Scripture is all about the last word of Jesus
before He ascended to heaven.
He said these words to His disciples
1st,Receive power of the Holy Spirit.
2nd,you will be my witnesses in this world.
Let’s continue on verse 9
“After he said this he was taken up to heaven
and clouds hid Him from their sight”
and on v. 11 “Jesus will come back in the same way.”
Do you believe that Jesus will come to this world?
Any way so His Disciples obeyed His last will.
They all joined together and constantly in prayer.
After 10 days, the day of Pentecost came.
All of them were filled with a Holy Spirit.
And they started preaching the Gospel.
Brothers and sisters we are all Christian isn't it?
Then we are all called to be his disciples.
So we have to obey his words.
We also have to follow these things.
What comes first?
1st Receive power of the Holy Spirit.
Yes, we needed the spirit filled life.
It is necessary for all Christian to have a fullness of Spirit.
If we wanted to be an effective witness,
we need Power of the Holy Spirit.
We must pray constantly for the Holy Spirit to fill our lives.
Brothers and sisters let me ask one thing?
Where do you think is the Holy Spirit?
Any body knows the address of the Holy Spirit?
The Bible says in 1st Corinthian 3:16
“Surely you know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit.”
He lives in you. God’s Spirit is here with us.
He is not in the Garden of Eden.
He is not in the heaven.
He is a not a temple made with human hands.
He is in our hearts.
He is in our lives.
He dwells within us.
Brothers and sisters His address is your address.
If you stay in your home, He is there in your home with you.
If you go out and work in your field, He is there with you.
If you cook in the kitchen, He is also in the kitchen with you.
Because our body is the temple of God,
So anywhere we go the Holy Spirit with us Amen.
But brothers and sisters there’s a condition in receiving power of the Spirit.
Shall we open the Bible in Galatians 5;16-17.
If we live in Holy Spirit, We will not satisfy the desire of sinful nature.
But if we live in sinful nature, we will not satisfy the Holy Spirit.
They cannot go along together.
They cannot in harmony with each other.
These two are enemies.
Bible says (James 4;4)
“Any one who choose to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.”
Jesus says (Matthew 6:24) no one can serve two masters.
Brother and sisters who you will choose?
Therefore there’s one condition for receiving Holy Spirit
that before fill our heart with a Holy Spirit.
Our heart should be emptied.
Something that is against God’s Law should be thrown first.
If we are already filled with the pleasure of the world,
then there is no room for the Spirit of God.
Many Christians are praying to God to fill Him,
when in fact he is already full with something else.
Brothers and sisters before we pray that God will fill us,
we have to pray to Him to empty us.
There must be emptying, before there can be filling.
When the heart is turned upside down
(like throwing the contents of a trash can)
and every thing is turned out that is against God.
Then the Spirit will come upon us.
Brothers and sisters now it’s dry season MAHIRAP ANG TUBIG
When it’s rainy season there’s a lot of water we can use,
but dry season it’s very difficult to got water. Ex) water tank
Like this when we are over flow by the Holy Spirit.
We can live for the glory of God
But we are not full of the Holy Spirit
mahirap na to live for the glory of God
How we could use the water if there’s no water?
Brothers and sisters
if we read the bible acts
we could find out the disciples keep on praying
to get power of the Holy Spirit.
2;4 they prayed together and fill with the Holy Spirit but again
4;31 they prayed and fill with the Holy Spirit again
We should have repeat and repeat in fillings of the Spirit,
when our spiritual life seems dry and thirsty.
We must revive our Spirit.
Like water tank we have to refill all the time.
Brothers and sisters
“Be filled with the Holy Spirit” this is the last words by the Jesus.
That is not optional. It lays responsibilities upon the believer.
We are commended to fill with the Holy Spirit
because it is impossible to live the Christian life on any other basis.
The Christian life is to be lived in the power of the Holy Spirit not our selves.
It cannot be lived in our own strength but must be lived by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Brothers and sisters
I would like all of us living in the power of the Holy Spirit.
If we have fullness of Spirit, how is Satan going to get in?
How is the world going to get in?
We can defeat every single enemy and live victorious life.
I think the Philippines is a blessed country
Because long time ago you had believed God and worship Him.
Christ was brought to this country at the same time it was discovered.
What a blessing is this!
You know my country 50 years ago from now.
When we were under the rule of the Japanese.
That time we couldn’t believe God openly.
If the Japanese police discovered Christians they were put to jail
Now of cause we have freedom.
But exactly we’ve only half freedom.
You know my country after independence from Japan.
Unfortunately Korea is divided to north and south.
Only because of ideology
Until now my country people who are living in the north part cannot worship God openly
because North Korea is communist.
They do not allowed religious organization.
So for being a Christian country you are blessed.
Let’s go back to our passage what is next?
2nd Witness for Jesus
This simple command is our responsibility and our privilege and honour
Jesus Christ sent in this world by the Father.
Do you know that Jesus is the first missionary in this world?
Like His Father sends him he send His disciples.
Jesus says in the Bible (Jn20:21) “As my Father send me I send you.”
Brothers and sisters every one who responded to his call to come
is responsible to His command to go.
so We have to go together. No one excused.
May be someone says “O I’m very busy. I don’t have time to do that.
I think that obligation is for the pastors not me” But that is wrong.
every true Christian is an evangelist.
every true believer is missionary
every true follower of Christ is a preacher
therefore Everyone who receives the fullness of the Spirit is to be a witness in this world.
Don’t be a shame to speak of the Gospel.
Don’t feel that you are too young or too old to evangelize.
And one thing more we have to tell the teaching of Christ by our deeds.
This is important.
You know even though you evangelize
if your life style is the same with non-Christian,
they will not follow you.
Brothers and sisters I’d like all of you truly live and act Christian life.
Do you believe that Jesus will come to this world again?
Yes, Jesus will come back.
Then when will Jesus come?
Nobody knows.
God has not told us when Jesus will come.
Nobody knows the time but He is sure to come.
Do you want Jesus to come to this world?
Yes, He also wants to come to this world because that is his promise.
You know He is seated at the right of the Father and waiting for that time.
But the time is not yet.
Shall we open the Bible in Matthew 24:14,
“and this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world
and then the end will come.”
Now I’d like asking one more time when will Jesus will come?
When the end will come?
The answer is
1st the Gospel must be preached to all nations to all people
then Jesus will come.
But Jesus cannot come now even he wants.
Why Because the Gospel is not yet preached to the whole world.
Still there’s lots of pagan in this world.
In the Philippines we can listen to the Gospel in the radio and even we can watch.
Also we can easily observe evangelizing in the market or in the park.
But in some other countries,
someone from birth to death has never heard about the Gospel.
One of my fellow missionary in middle east country told me
they even cannot pray in a public place (ex pray).
It is so hard to save one soul. S
ome times it take years to evangelize even one people.
Brothers and sisters
when I read, “let the God guide us daily” written by Bishop Stephen Neil.
I was surprised. According to him.
One-forth of the world has never heard the name of Jesus.
And another one-fourth has heard it but not enough to know how to be saved.
Then the half of the world has had no genuine opportunity to receive Christ.
Now I’d like to mention the most populated non-Christian country in the world.
First is China, India, Russia, Indonesia, Japan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Vietnam, Nigeria, and Thailand.
Brothers and sisters
If you check the world map,
among the countries, the Philippines is seated at the middle.
I mean that the Philippines is surrounded by those countries.
Now, what does it means?
I do believe that this country is truly blessed because Christians increase faster in this country.
And for that reason, this country will export missionary to those countries.
And I really think that is God’s purpose to your country (ex. English).
Brothers and sisters spread Gospel is not yet finished.
That is why Jesus cannot come this time.
He is waiting now until the Gospel is preached in the whole world.
So we all Christian have to practice in witnessing Jesus Christ to others
because that is last command from Jesus to us.
So next time when I visit here,
I expect that more souls would be saved and this congregation would grow more.
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