영어 설교

Live for the glory of God (gen. 1)

JT Sung 2008. 1. 8. 20:48

The New Year has begun 

Happy New Year 마니공 바공따온 

I wish and pray that God will pour out his wonderful and 

marvelous blessing to all of you in this New Year 


In Israelite, they call New Year. “Rosh Hashanah” 

And there is two meaning 

1st it means - The Day of Judgment (Yohadin) 

They look back upon the past (their last year) 

They evaluate their relationship with God 

and when there is something wrong, they repent 

and restore their relationship with God 

and also they check their relationship with other people 

and when there is something wrong, they try to reconcile 

and make a peace with them 

Another meaning of Rosh Hashanah is 

-the day of remembrance (yohaZikkaron) 

In the New Year, They remember God’s creation 

And  wish that God create a new life as they begin their new year 

Beloved ABC student 

Like Israelite, I also want all of you to look back upon your past 

And you reflect your life with God and others 

And decide to have a new life 

And today, as we start New Year and new trimester 

I‘d like to read the bible with you 

first book 1st chapter and 1st verse 

Genesis chapter 1; 1-2 

Father we thank you for adding another wonderful new year in our lives 

We bless your name 

and father as we have this first chapel in this new year 

Father, you bless this chapel servise 

Help us to have a sevice in our best 

And refresh us and empower us through your word 

In Jesus name 

Today’s passage says that 

In the beginning God created heaven and earth 

And do you believe that God created this world? 

If you believe this passage, you can believe the rest of the whole bible 

What else God can not do,  if He created heaven and earth? 

God has all the power 

He made all that is - out of nothing. 

He took nothing and then made something. 

And we have to know this one 

This is what really happens when God makes us a new creation. 

In our total depravity, in our total ruin, we are absolutely nothing, 

 but when God saves us, we are a new creation that is in Christ Jesus amen? 

So now we are something 

Can you say to the person next to you. 

Don’t worry, we are something in God 

let's go back to today's passage 

and how is the universe before God created the heaven and earth 

Bible explained with 3 words 

And it was Formless, empty and darkness 

Verse 2 it says 

 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 

Here I want us to  consider the word “hovering” 

Hovering means brood 

as A hen broods, God hugs formless empty and darkness 

He care formless empty and darkness 

When the hen broods, it hatches chicks (sisiw) 

Like that 

Spirit of God hugs formless empty and darkness 

Comes out light, sky, land, sun, moon and star 

Comes out a new world 

Brothers and sisters 

This is very important 

When God is hovering over 

When God hugs 

Formless will be changed with well-ordered system 

Empty will be changed with fullness 

Darkness will be changed with light 

So do not be discouraged when  you are confused 

Do not worry when you feel empty in your mind 

Do not despair when we experience darkness 

When God embrace us 

When the Spirit of God is hovering over us 

The new world will  open in our sight 

A new life will open in our future 

Even though when enemies are running after us 

And even when  a river lies across the path ahead of us 

God will make a way 

God will open the way 

So brothers and sisters 

I pray that the Spirit of God will embrace all of you in this New Year 

So that you will not have chaos any longer 

And you will become a a new  person 

And you will live a new life in this 2008 

Brothers and sisters 

When God created this universe 

God did not created man first 

At first, he made light, sky, land, sun, moon and star animals, plants and fish 

And after he made everything for us 

Then he created human being 

Here the 1st thing that we notice in this passage is that 

Our God is our provider 

God created heaven and earth 

And he made sun, moon and star animals, plants and fish and so on 

When he prepared everything already 

Then he made us 

So we could live without lacking (kulang) 

here we have to know this one 

The God who made us will take care of us 

We will not be lacking of our needs 

He will provide for us today and tomorrow 

Because our God is creator and he reign over us 

Diba ? When parents have a baby 

They will not leave them 

They will care for them 

Educate and protect them 

It is the same with our  God, the father 

He is alive 

And his power is the same yesterday and today 

Belive that our God  made us 

And for sure he will care for us 

He will protect us 

And he will provide what we need 

So do not depend on your pastor 

Do not rely on your missionary 

Trust God and seek for God’s provision in our lives 

God knows our situation 

He knows our needs 

And he knows everything about us 

And believe that our God is God of Jirah 

He will provide all things that you need today 

he is God of provider 

Ex) ptr.choi son-in -law 

Brothers and sisters 

I really thank and amazing what God has done for ABC 

He provide what we need right time and right way 

And I believe that God will continue to provide everything for ABC in 2008 

And when God created heaven and earth 

He said it was good 

Means he was sasisfied of what he created 

And He was happy with what he made 

He laughed and enjoyed after he created this world 

“Wow it was very good” 

Brothers and sisters 

Here we have to know this one 

We are in his creation diba? 

we are made by God 

so our purpose is to make God to smile and make him happy amen? 

are you making God smile now? 

God wants to smile because of us 

God wants to laugh through us 

And I want all of you to make God smile every day in this 2008 Amen 

Yes we are his creation 

And creation should live for his creator 

So we should live for him 

When we are arguing 

There is no God 

When we have dispute 

God is not there 

When we praise  God 

We can meet Him 

When we worship him 

His presence is there 

Bible says in Psalm 148 ;3 

Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars. 

Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies. 

Let them praise the name of the LORD, for he commanded and they were created. 

Yes, we are his creation 

So we should praise him 

Because it was his command 

And when we praise and worship him 

His presence will come to us 

He will be happy through us 

And if God is happy 

Because of us 

We will be even happier amen 

Bible says in revelation 4; 11 

“You are worthy our lord and God 

To receive Glory and honor and power, 

For you created all things and by your will 

They were created and have being” 

Yes we are his creation 

So we should live for his glory and honor 

Because he is wothy to receive Glory and honor 

Actually we are nothing without God 

God is our Back ground 

He is our education 

He is our sponser 

He is our every thing 

So that we live for him 

I will conclude my sermon 

We use to watch in the tv or movie like this 

When the children do good 

Their parents says I'm proud of you 

Like this In this year 2008 

we do our best to serve God 

So that God will say to us 

“Well done good and faithful servant I am proud of you 

I will put you in charge of many things 

Once again god bless all of you 

Shall we sing 

This is my desire to honor you 

Lord with all my heart I worship you 

All I have with in me I give you praise 

All that I adore is in you 

Lord I give my heart 

I give you my soul 

I live for you alone 

Every breathe that I take 

Every moment I’m awake 

Lord have your way in me 

Let us pray 

Father we thank you once again this evening 

Father we thank you for what you have done in our lifes 

And father I pray that you continue to shower your blessing unto us in this new year 

As we start in this new year and new trimester 

Father you bless each every one of us 

Help us to live in you all the time 

Help us continue to fellowship with you 

Help us to remain in your peace and Joy 

So that we can have a much fruitful life 

Once again I pray for the ABC 

Father you bless Asia bible college 

Bless all the ABC student 

While they study here in ABC 

Mold them as your instrument 

And Equip thems for your purpose 

And use them for your glory and your kingdom 

Thank you  father that you refresh and strengthen us today 

We give you all the glory honor and praise 

In Jesus Name amen

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