serve to others
shall we say to the one beside you "I will serve you"
some one came to Jesus and asked (Luke 10:25)
"what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
" Love the Lord your God ...... and love your neighbor as your self"
and he asked again
"who is my neighbor?"
and Jesus told him a parable of Good Samaritan and said
"do likewise"
brothers and sisters
neighbor is another your self
the Lord God said (Gen. 2:18)
it is not good for the man to be alone
so He took one of the man's rib and made a woman
so we are all one flesh
we are all brothers and sisters
we are all family
our ancestor is one
we are all one self
(Diba)when we have communion
we receive Jesus blood and we receive Jesus flesh
so we have the same blood
it means we are family in God
that is why we should make harmony in God's love
you are not Patacsil. you are not Ritual
our family name is Jesus
bible says in John 1:12
Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name,
he gave the right to become children of God
we are all family in God
so we have to unite with each other
there are some student who complain about ABC
and it comes to my ears
ABC has marami problema
ABC is like this like this they abuse and slander about ABC
but you know, they are the one who belong to ABC
in Korea there is saying
lie down and spit saliva
then where will saliva go? if you spit saliva while lying down
it goes back to your face
it is like "cut off your nose to spite your face"
I tell you one story
in a southern place in America
there was a black man who went to a church
but he couldn't go in
because he was not allowed
why? Because he is not white
so they cried out in front of the church
and he discovered another man was crying beside him
and you know who it was?
His name is Jesus
Jesus said to him “they kick me out too”
Brothers and sisters
church should always open to every one
black or white, poor or rich, tall or short, thin or fat
it should not matter because as Christians, we belong in Christ
bible says (Matthew 25;45)
"whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me"
and whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not for me" (Matthew, 25;45)
we are being called to serve others
brothers and sisters
we are created in God's image
and God works, so we should work
john 2 verse 8 it says
"watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully"
(Here)work is work for others
means service, serve to others
if you serve others God will reward to you fully amen
1peter 4; 14
"each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others"
we have to serve others with our gift
if you have knowledge serve others with your knowledge
if you have money serve others with your money
if you have talent about music then use it for others
if you have nothing, serve to others by prayer
then, to serve others what shall we do
1st) renew
we are being called to serve others amen?
but it will change when we commit to sin, we become selfish
so we should go back in serving others
we have to recover
for that we have to renew
may be some of you knows about John Newton
he was a slave trader
he was captain of a ship and he bought slaves in Africa and he sell them in America
and one day during the voyage
they met a strong storm, almost patay
and through that storm he met God
after that he give up everything and became a Ptr.
and he composed famous Christian song 'Amazing grace'
brothers and sisters
now you are here in ABC
whatever you did it before and whatever you were it doesn’t matter. past is past
but now you need to renew yourself
to serve others
2nd) humble
every body like a humble person
no one hate a humble person
and every body hated a proud person
no one like proud person (Mayabang)
there is a saying
pride make an angel become evil
but humbleness make an angel be loved
in German language, humble is DEMUT means "power"
so humbleness is power
Evil fear only humbleness
God do not like proud
and God hated most is arrogance
I saw some of our student (he is ptr)
And he treat our teacher as a friend
Hey 구모쓰따까?
Be loved our ABC student
Even though you are ptr. And your teacher is ptr, too
It is not same
you are student and he is teacher
So you should respect him as a teacher
Even though your tacher is younger than you
However, students should remember that they are always to show proper respect
to the faculty.
When you respect your teacher, then your teacher will respect to you as a ptr.
As you know
when Moses became a prince
God did not use him
but when he went into the wilderness
he thought he is nothing and he can do nothing
from that time God called him and used him
Moses was the most humble person
brothers and sisters
God wants to use you?
then humble yourself
Christianity truth is paradox
if you want live then you have to die
if you want to be higher then have to be lower
this is the law of Christianity
3rd) loving minded
even some one hate me
even some one slander to me,
abuse me against something
we should love them
you know, love some one who loves you that is easy
but we should love some one who hate us
bible says Galatians 5; 13
"you my brothers, were called to be free,. but do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather serve one another in love"
you can not serve someone without love
serve without love is playing hypocrite
bible says (1 cor. 13; 3) if I all possessed to the poor and surrender my body to the flames but have not love, l gain nothing
then how could I love those who hate me?
If you really love Jesus you can do that
the Lord will give the power to love them
so sometimes even I angry to you
you should still love me
may be you knows, American famous president Abraham Lincoln
he had political enemy
he always speak ill of him
even pronounce curse on him
he said no need go to Africa to see gorilla
because he is gorilla
but when win as president
he get him as the Security of Defense in America
so when Abraham Lincoln died
he is the one who first come to him and he said
"he is the very image of Jesus Christ"
4th) spiritual diet
there is a plump woman
so she want to diet
and some one suggested to her of riding horse for diet
so she ride horse every day
after 3 month
she checked her weight but still same weight
but the horse she riding everyday became slim instead
this is funny story
but we need spiritual diet
Check our mind
is it over weight with worldly things?
then we need diet
we have to throw sinful nature
envy, jealousy, greedy, gossips, lust and so on
we have to throw it away because it is against God
I will conclude my preaching with one story
my friend has a dog
one day the dog went out and didn't come home
so he look for all the way where are you / where are you~~~
but there is no dog
and after 13 days the dog came back
but it was very thin
when he checked the dog
his leg had wound
my friend realized that the dog’s foot was trapped
by a hunter’s trap in the mountain
the dog tried to get his foot out of the trap
but it couldn’t
the more he tried to remove, the more it hurts
one day, two days, three days passed by
he couldn’t eat anything because there were no food there
and he was getting thin and thinner
finally on the 13th day, he got free from the trap
and was able to go home
you know why the dog was getting thin and thin
and finally he could remove his leg from the trap
like this brothers and sisters
if you diet spiritually, if you throw the worldly things
then you will not trap Satan’s trick
you will have a victory in this world
edit (2010 jan 16)
Good morning and once again happy New Year
let us pray
Father we blessed your name and as we listen to your words
let your living words minister us and bless each every one of us
someone interview to college students
And question is “what do you live for”
And answer is I live to better myself and my family…to be successful…
I live to learn… to eat…to live for that makes me happy…I don’t know...
And someone answer I live to meet my prince
How about you brothers and sisters
what do you live for? Why do you work?
Why do you come here in ABC? Why do you make money?
We should answer this question
what do you live for?
And the answer is
as Christian; we must live for the glory of God Amen.
Why do we make money? For the glory of God
why do we go to school? For the glory of God
why do we working out? For the glory of God Amen
Bible says in Isaiah 43;7 "
everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory,
whom I formed and made."
God created us to receive glory. So we have to live for his glory
Romans 11; 36 says “Everything comes from God alone.
Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory.
Yes, brothers and sisters
The ultimate goal of the universe is to show the glory of God.
It is the reason for everything that exists, including you and me
God made it all for his glory. Without God’s glory, there would be nothing.
It’s all for him. Amen.
Live for glory of God
then how do we live for the glory of God?
How can we bring glory to God
1st fellowship with God
in Korea we have a saying
"when they drift farther apart from the sight
then they drift farther apart from their mind"
one time when I went to Korea and I met my alumni
and we were glad to meet
"wow friend longtime no see"
how are you? I’m fine thank you and you
where do you live what are you doing~
and have nothing to say
because no fellowship (walang) communication with each other for a long time
There is already gap
Their thinking (concern )and my thinking is different (very different)
Brothers and sisters it is the same with our God
If we do not keep on communicate with god
If we do not continue to fellowship with God
We will have gap later on
that is why, we should keep on having fellowship with him
we have to meet God continually amen
do you know how to make good fellowship with God?
Attend church regularly
that is one way of good fellowshipping with God
And not only in the church but anywhere we can meet God
in the house, in the school ,in the garden, even in the jeepney
We can fellowship with God through our prayer or sing to praising him amen
So continue to fellowship with God, everyday
brothers and sisters
if we are rich or poor is not important
our position, high or low is not important
we have to know this
the most important thing in our life is to belong to God or not
this is important
say 'amen' those who belong to God
May be all of you knows Zacchaeus story
One of theologian says that Zacchaeus has no parents (dao)
he grew up with his relatives
and the people ignore him…. look down him
so he wants to be rich
he wants to have a high position
so he worked hard and studied hard
finally he got a high position
he became a chief tax collector and became wealthy
but he was not happy
he thought, if he is rich, he will be happy but he is not
he thought, if he has a high position, he will be happy but he is not
but when he met Jesus Christ, he found a happiness and joy in his life
so brothers and sisters
Happiness does not rely on property
happiness does not rely on position
Jesus said to Zacchaeus
"Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today."
and Jesus continue to say
"Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham." (Luke 19;9)
he became a son of Abraham
he belong to God
so brothers and sisters once again
we can't buy happiness with money
we can't buy happiness with position
but we have joy and happiness when we belong to God Amen
So the most important thing is our present address.
belong to God or belong to the world?
and i thank God because we are all belong to God
so brothers and sisters continue to fellowship with God and live for His Glory
God is always faithful to meet us right where we are, right when we need it most!
and remember that
the more we draw near to God then God also draw near to us amen
2nd for the glory of God
we should be a salt and light here in this world
Bible says in the Matthew chapter 5;13
you are the salt of the earth and you are the light of earth
and verse 16 it says "that they may see your good works,
and glorify your Father which is in heaven."(KJV)
so, for the glory of our father God, we have live like Salt and light
if we live as salt and light here in this world, it will glorify our father God
then how do we live like salt and light
verse 16 "good work"
be a good father, good mother , good student , good Ptr.
As I told you we are belong to God,
Meaning we are Christian
You are study in ABC so we call it ABCian
Like this we follow Christ so that we are Christian
We are Christian so that we have to live Christian life
I will tell you one story
As you know maramy Korean missionary in the Philippines
Not only Philippines but all around world
You know how many Korean missionary spred in the world
-20thousand (only official)
That is why they said, Chinese they open restaurant
Japanese they make factory, Korean they build church
Even Afghanistan (Muslim country) there are many Korean missionaries
One time ,a Korean church went to a mission trip in Afghanistan
they were all 13
and they were captured by Islamist militants
and they deal with the Korean Government -ask money
give money then we will release them if not we will kill them all
and the Korean government said we do not deal with terrorist
and they did not really deal with them and ignored what they want
so they dalagang killed 2 koreano among 13
and then they said again to Korean government "give me money"
if not we will kill them all one by one
all koreano who were captured were in fear of death
after that, the Korean government had emergency meeting
they really killed already 2 koreano is death
what they want …they want money…ok deal with them
and few days later they released two Korean lady first, among 11
When they released there is behind story
the Islamist choose one lady whose name was lee Jiyoung to release
Cause she is sick
but she said it’s okay for me, you release others first instead of me.
mamaya nalang ako, you release my friend first
you know they don’t know when they will die
she is in danger to Patay
but she care others not herself
this is good work
Brothers and sisters
as we live Christian life, we should do good work as God want
because we are salt and light in this world
when my wife cook bulalo
she bought a knee bone of cattle and boiled it long time
she do not put anything but only water and then just boiled
when we eat the bulao it tasted flat (matabang)
so we put some salt in the bulao soup
then the bulalo became masarap
because the salt has melted
after that, the salt suddenly had disappeared
because of salt, the bulalo is masarap
but we do not say "oh salt is masarap"
we say "oh bulalo is masasap"
Salt melt himself and make bulalo masarap
This is we call it spirit of sacrifice
and we need this spirit
You know why see water do not rust? Because it contains salt
You know last year when we go to mission trip in Samar with ABC graduating student. one of our student bro. Ronie (ifugao)went the seashore and he wanted to take a bath. So I said cannot be because the water is salty
And he said, “Do not lie pastor.” He toothbrush and gargled with sea water….
Do you know how many percent is salt in the sea water? 3%
Because of 3%s of salt, the sea water will not rust, it will be alive
In Korea ,20% of the population are Christian but still marami corruption
Here, in the Philippines 9 % are protestant including roman catholic more than 90% is Christian but still marami corruption
Brothers and sisters
let’s be a salt and light here in this world
we should be a preservative here in this world
Then through our life God will be glorified
3rd.we brings Gods glory becoming like Christ.
II Corinthians 3:18 says
And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
Brothers and sister
Spiritual maturity is becoming like Jesus in the way we think, feel and act.
The more we develop Christ-like character, the more we will bring glory to God amen
Meaning We have to throw old life and live new life in Christ
We decrease concern of worldly things and we have to increase concern of heavenly things
In other word we need to feed more spiritually and we need diet worldly things
I tell you one story about diet
there is a plump woman
so she want to diet
and some one suggested to her of riding horse for diet
so she ride horse every day
after 3 month
she checked her weight but still same weight
but the horse she riding everyday became slim instead
this is funny story
but we need diet
Check our mind
is it over weight with worldly things?
brothers and sisters feed more spiritually and diet worldly things
we have to throw sinful nature
envy, jealousy, greedy, gossips, lust and so on
we have to throw it away which is against God
I will conclude my preaching with one story
my friend has a dog
one day the dog went out and didn't come home
so he look for all the way where are you / where are you~~~
but there is no dog
and after 13 days the dog came back
but it was very thin
when he checked the dog
his leg had wound
my friend realized that the dog’s foot was trapped
by a hunter’s trap in the mountain
the dog tried to get his foot out of the trap
but it couldn’t
the more he tried to remove, the more it hurts
one day, two days, three days passed by
he couldn’t eat anything because there were no food there
and he was getting thin and thinner
finally on the 13th day, he got free from the trap
and was able to go home
you know why the dog was getting thin and thin
and finally he could remove his leg from the trap
like this brothers and sisters
if you diet spiritually, if you throw the worldly things
then you will not trap Satan’s trick
you will have a victory in this world
And it will bring glory to God
Remember Bible says in Corinthians chapter 10;31
" so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the Glory of God"
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