영어 설교

Servant of God (1 Corinthians 4:1-4:5)

JT Sung 2008. 8. 26. 21:19

1 Corinthians (4:1-4:5) 

Father we thank you for this afternoon again 

and as we start listen to your words, 

Bless this place

Bless this time and bless each everyone of us 

through your living word 

thank you in Jesus name amen

Greek philosopher Socrates says "know thyself" 

do you know yourself?

what is our identity? 

who we are? 

today's  passage says "we are a servant of Christ" 

shall we say "I'm a servant of Christ " 

brothers and sisters 

We are redeemed of the Lord. 

We belong to Him. 

He is our Lord and our Master, 

Jesus Christ redeemed us by His precious blood 

and our life comes from Him. 

that is why we came here in ABC

study and train 

because we are all servant of Christ, 


Now we know, our identity, we are servant of God 

So as servant of God what we have to do 

No1 be scented (할리무약)like servant of God 

today's passage verse 1 it says 

"So then, men ought to regard us as servants of Christ" 

brothers and sisters 

it is important to know and that we're the servant of God. 

but the more important is that people should regard us as servant of Christ 

one time i was invite in manila to preach

and actually it is 1st time go there

and i did't meet ptr. yet 

and when we go to Cubao 

some young people came to me and says hello ptr.

and i ask them how do you know i'm ptr.

and they reply i smell..

brothers and sisters as we servant of God 

we have to be scented like servant of God 

Can you smell yourself; Do you smell like a servant of God? 

we must spread the smell of godliness to the world 

one thing more 

we have to know this one 

God works through people 

God always use people and fulfill His work 

God used Moses and he brought out Israelite from Egypt 

God used Nehemiah and he reformed Israel

God used Solomon  and he build sanctuary 

Like this, God always work through chosen people 

so I pray that God will use you for His kingdom and his glory 

I tell you one story 

When I go to Pangasinan, my wife province 

I saw there is one very nice house and it seems they were rich 

They have car and they have air-condition and so on 

But every time I go there and see them 

They are drinking and singing with karaoke 

So I wonder and ask to my wife 

What business are they in? 

and she said nothing, they are farmer and have some mango trees

then how they live in luxury like that? 

and she said 

One of their family work in Hawaii 

and she send money to family every month..

wow !!1

you know my point is this one 

if you have a good worker in your house or one of your family 

that house will increase in prosperity 

if you have a good worker in your church 

your church will grow 

Beloved ABC student 

you are Christ's worker 

and I pray that because of you 

God will be glorified and his name be exalted 

and people will recognize ABC as a great school through you 

we have to remember this one 

God is looking for one person who obey for his work 

And through even one good worker 

the kingdom of God will be expanded 

and through one good worker  the church will be revived 

2nd, to declare God’s secret to the world 

Today’s passage verse 1 it says 

"as those entrusted with the secret things of God." 

we are entrusted with the secret things of God 

it means God confide his secret things to our care 

you know, secret means not telling anybody about something 

So when you really trust a person, 

then maybe you will tell that person your secret. 

"Don’t tell anyone about this." 

"It’s just between you and me" 

Ok, ok, my lips are sealed." 

but the following morning, 

suddenly everybody knows your secret,

it has spread already until Mindanao 

Anyway, we own the secret things of God 

Because, God recognized us as his family 

God trust us because we belong to God 

and he let us hold his secret  

how good it is when we own the secret of God amen 

then what is the secret of God (mysteries)

that is the Gospel amen 

so it is not a hidden secret but is an opened secret 

but not everybody own this secret 

only the one who receive by faith can own this secret 

Brothers and sisters 

to own the secret means to own the Gospel 

so when we have the Gospel 

we have the power of God 

the power of God to save those who believe 

Bible says in 1st peter 2; 9 

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood,

 a holy nation, a people belonging to God, 

that you may declare the praises of him 

who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." 

So we have to declare his secret to the world 

No3, be faithful to God 

today’s passage verse 2 it says 

“Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.” 

Ex) 마키이야기 

(he is very faithful to ABC every where he goes he advertise ABC

even he send his sister to study ABC)

brothers and sisters 

We did not choose God but God chose us 

We did not love him first but God loved us first 

And our God is faithful 

that is why he wants us to be faithful too 

he is not going to measure us 

how many converts we have, 

he is not going to measure 

how many years we have served the church, 

he doesn't care how great things we have done… 

yes, These are all important, and we want that 

But brothers and sisters 

growth comes from God Himself. 

and God wants to see our faithfulness Amen. 

maybe here in this world 

they measure success by profit 

how much are you earning? 

maybe someone  measure us by prosperity 

what do you own? 

maybe others measure us by prestige 

what is your position? 

but brothers sisters 

Our God's way of measuring is different 

He measure us by faithfulness. (x2)

so we should be faithful to him 


When you enter here in ABC  

maybe you made a resolution to be faithful to God forever 

But oftentimes our service to God

 fade away little by little. 

ex) praise in 1st seat (나의 신학교 시절)

In Tagalog they say “NINGAS KUGON” 

ptra. Joyce Meyer

“Faithfulness is not doing something right once 

but doing something right over and over and over and over.” 

do not change your mind 

do not change your first love

faithful to God forever and ever amen 

and onething more someone

"who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much" 

and when you faithful in a very little things 

God will entrust big things to you 

so we have to do our best even with little things 

for example chapel service we have to try our best 

check your dress code 

do not wear slipper or short pant 

sit in front as you can 

when we have praise and worship we try our best to sing to the lord 

and preaching time, do not miss even single word 

and when offering time even only coin, you should offer 

so that next time,  you can give a bigger offering  

and when we shout our theme you shout with louder voice 

I mean from start to finish 

we should do our best to serve God Amen 

I tell you 

if you easily absent during chapel services 

later on when you become ptr. 

your church member also will easily absent to your church 

and if you are not offering, your church member will not give offering, too. 

church member follow church ptr. 

they learn from you 

 No,4 do not judge people 

Today’s scripture says verse 3-4,

 "I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court;

 indeed, I do not even judge myself.

 My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent.

 It is the Lord who judges me." 

True success is not to be measured in terms of what man can see, but in terms of what God sees. 

"My judge," says Paul, "is not man or even myself, but God." 

EX) when we went to mountain ministry in Abra 

Ptr. Bayudang gave us wild honey and it's so delicious 

and onetime  when I go to mountain ministry and i sow it

the same honey they selling in tagudin

some one is selling same wild honey 

same bottle, and same color 

so I bought and bring home and tasted it 

but the taste is different, that is fake 

brothers and sisters 

we can not judge people 

actually we don't know which is real and which is fake 

we don't know which is good and which is bad

You know, you don't judge your classmates 

we have already more than 150  students graduate here in ABC

and i think oh he is good may when he draduate God will use him mightly but no

and someone who always make problem in ABC now his ministry is Good 

you know

Oftentimes, the one being judged becomes successful 

we don't know

Only God knows everything 

and only him Judge us. 

then how will God judge us? 

By "faithful 

The one quality that God looks in us is faithfulness. 

Notice what Paul says about being faithful 

"it is required." 

God is looking for faithfulness. 

He has entrusted the work of His Kingdom to us, 

and he wants to find us faithful. 

We must be prepared to see Him on His return 

and be accountable for what we have done. 

We have to be faithful to His Word and His Work 

then one day our master will say, 

'Well done, good and faithful servant!  

let us pray 

father once again we thank you this after noon 

Thank you for your teaching and your word today 

we thank you for your unchangeable faithfulness and loving kindness 

father we  thank you that 

You confide your secret things to our care 

and father help us to share your secret to others 

and help us to be faithful to you forever and ever 

and help us continue to remain in your love and grace 

and use us for your glory and kingdom 

thank you Jesus 

and this time I pray in the name of Jesus for the ABC 

father you bless this school 

you bless all the faculty, staff and all the student

bless upon bless them with your power 

help them to be united in your love 

and provide every thing what they need

and bless our ministry and bless our life 

thank you father we love you we praise you

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