영어 설교

Keeping Sabbath (Isaiah58:13~14)

JT Sung 2009. 1. 28. 21:33

this afternoon 

I will ask something, 

but I need you to answer inwardly 

there are person A and B 

Person A committed theft (robbery) 

Person B didn't go to church on Sunday 

who is more bad? 

the answer is B 

is it strange ? 

theft (robbery) hamper others 

I mean he damage somebody 

but absence from church does not hamper others 

he do not damage any body. 

then why B is more bad? 

it is really strange 

perhaps the answer is wrong 

it seems to raise a question 

but if you study the Bible the answer is correct 

this afternoon title is "keep the sabbath" 

so if you have bible, let us open in Isaiah 58;13-14 

"If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the LORD's holy day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words, 

then you will find your joy in the LORD, and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob." The mouth of the LORD has spoken. 

father once again we thank you in this afternoon 

and in this precious moment 

we pause and gather to hear your word 

and your power of the holy spirit anoint this service 

that we may focus to listen, that we may hear, that we may change. in Jesus name amen 

may be you know verywell God's ten commandment 

what is the ranking 

"you shall not steal" in ten commandments.  no 8 

and what is the ranking 

"remember the sabbath and keep it holy" 

in the ten commandments ? no 4 

which is higher? 

no 4 is higher 

may be some one still have question 

even thou keep the sabbath is higher rank 

it doesn't mean it is more important command. 

yes both are important to God so we should no commit 

and you continue to read the book of Exodus, 

you can see there is punishment for committing such 

then what kind of punishment is for committing such ? 

in exodus 22;1-4 it says make restitution if you commit theft. 

they have to pay back. 

and what it says when you do not keep the sabbath 

in Exodus 31;14  'Observe the Sabbath, because it is holy to you. 

Anyone who desecrates it must be put to death' 

it says "must be put to death" 

which one is important commandment ? 

you know 

I thank God because I'm not living in the old testament age 

but I live in the new testament age 

then why "not keeping the sabbath" is more serious sin? 

because theft is a sin to a man but "not keeping sabbath" is a sin to God 

listen carefully 

God commanded to his people 

"you shall not do something"  

and if we do that, that is commission/sin 

for example 

do not lie, do not steal 

but if you tell a lie or steal that is commission/sin 

like wise 

God command to do something and we didn't do it 

that is also commission/sin 

for instance 

honor your father and mother or keep the sabbath day 

but you do not do that, that is also sin 

brothers and sisters 

God is the creator of the universe and he created us 

that is why he knows what is the best for us 

so we have to know, 'keeping sabbath' is good for us 

because God made this for us amen 

Jesus says in mark 2;27-28 

"The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. 

So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath." amen 

once again  'keeping the sabbath' is good for us 

but the Pharisees abuse this commandment 

that is why, Jesus reproach them 

and as we know 

sabbath in old testament age is changed the Lord's Day in the new testament age 

the Lord's day is the next day of Sabbath 

you know Bible use to says on the first day of the week" 

on the 1st day of the week " is Sunday, the lord's day. 

and the lord's day is the day of the resurrection of Jesus 

and the event of resurrection is a proof of salvation 

if there is no resurrection of Jesus, we can not prove the redemption 

so as we christian we have to keep the lord's day amen. 

if you read the bible in the new testament 

you will know that the early church christian keep both sabbath and the Sunday 

and later on they keep only Sunday 

bible acts 20;7 it says on the first day of the week we came together to break bread. 

Paul spoke to the people" 

and also 1st corinthians 16;2 it says 

On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside 

a sum of money in keeping with his income, 

here on the first day of the week" is Sunday 

and in the Bible, it is clearly written "the Lord's day" 

revelation 1;10 it says 

on the Lord's Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet" 

in the Lord's day, when John worship to God, he watched the vision and we wrote the revelation 

so once again, it is important to keep the Lord's day now 

as  they kept the Sabbath in old testament age. 

and as christian we should not neglect to keep the Lord's day amen 

because keeping the Lord's day is not only for the glory of God but it is a blessing for us as well 

then how to keep the Lord's day 

1st Holy 

1st we should keep the lord's day piously 

the lord's day is holy day 

bible say exodus 31;13 it says 'You must observe my Sabbaths. This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the LORD, who makes you holy' 

you know non christians only think that the holyday is day off (not working day) 

for them Sunday is not holyday but holiday  

but for christian, it is in remembrance day of God who is holy 

so keeping the lord's day is a sign of a christian 

in other words, if you do not keep the Lord's day 

it means, you are giving up the people of God 

diba if you see calendar all sunday is red color 

why is it red color?" 

because red color is sign of stop 

so you have to stop what you are doing in 6 days 

and recall to God 

of course we have to remember God every day 

(and I know you are always with God) 

but usually layman are busy to work week days 

that is why at least they should remember God on Sunday 

so brothers and sisters 

as people of God, we should set a part Sunday for God 

we think like this 

'I have appointment with God on sunday' 

you do not break that appointment 

if someone ask you to meet on Sunday or to do something 

you say i'm sorry I have a previous engagement.. 

and you should keep the lord's day amen? 

(one day somebody promised with me to go to mission trip 

and suddenly she text me ptr. I can't go because of reunion of family 

you know, it's not me but you broke off the promise with God.) 

once again, Sunday we have appointment with God 

so do not break off 

2nd worship service 

we should worship to God on Sunday 

we set apart Sunday and doing nothing is meaningless 

we set apart Sunday to worship God 

another word Sunday is the day of meeting with God 

of course we have to meet God every day 

and I do believe you meet God every day 

but specially on Sunday, we have to set apart to meet God and worship him 

bible says John 4;23 

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks" 

here seek in greek "Zeteo" means "desire" or "required" 

I tell you one story 

one day there is a heavy snowfall in chicago 

and snow tied up all traffic Sunday morning 

but one girl came to church with his two brothers by walking 

and in the church there is nobody (no ptr. no members) 

but three of them had a worship service in the church 

you know who is this Girl- Hillary D. Clinton 

Ex) grand mother story 

 brothers and sisters 

God is looking for true worshiper 

and as people of God it is required to worship him amen. 

these days our life is so convenient and everything is dali dali 

fast food, instant coffee and instantaneous (인스탄테니어스)water heater, 

even we worship God instantly 

once again brothers and sisters keep the Lord's day to worship 

not instant worship but worship in spirit and truth. 

3rd) good conduct 

Sunday is the day of good conduct 

after sunday service oh I kept the Lord's day, I finish my duty, let's go to movie theater. that is wrong 

we have to spare time for more worshiping God, reading bible, praying evangelical work or associating with members 

and if it is possible, also rest of time we should spend with serving others sharing God's love and doing good deeds

Jesus says in luke 6;9 

 "I ask you, which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroy it?" 

 it doesn't mean, you do nothing on Sabbath, but do good work actively 

so brothers and sisters once again 

if it is possible we spend time on Sunday with doing good Amen 

then, when we keep the Lord's day what will happen? 

exodus 20;11  last part it says "Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. " 

the sabbath is the day of blessing 

so Sunday is blessing day amen 

Bible says in Isaiah 56;2 it says 

"Blessed is the man who does this, the man who holds it fast, who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it, and keeps his hand from doing any evil." 

God promise to give blessing if you keep the Sabbath 

then what kind of blessing we will have when we keep the Lord's day? 

1) Joy 

today's passage says "then you will find your joy in the LORD, 

see the revelation 1;10on the Lord's Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet, 

in the lord's day,  there is touching by the holy spirit 

the lord's day is the day to open heavenly door 

the lord's day is the day of blessings 

brothers and sisters we have to know this one 

"the most precious blessing is spiritual blessing" 

psalms 4;7,8 David says 

"You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound. I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety." 

David confess that the Joy of the Lord is greater than worldly abound 

Martin Luther said "keeping the Lord's day is tasting heaven" 

we could taste heaven through keeping Sunday 

it is like waiting shed in the mountain 

when we go to mountain ministry, 

we hike up the mountain and we were wet with perspiration and  become short of breath 

our leg is painful,  

then there is a waiting shed so we could rest 

we lie down, and the wind is so cool and some one gave me pipino 

and it really taste masarap... 

the lord's day is like waiting shed in the mountain 

we have pressure and stress in working during week days 

that is why we have to rest in the Lord on Sunday amen. 

2nd) victory 

today's passage it says "ride on the heights of the land" 

ride on the height means guarantee of victory 

so if you keep the lord's day you will have a victory in your life 

you think, if you work or study without resting you can succeed 

no it is not 

I tell you something 

in france after the french revolution 

they make one week as 10 days for higher productivity 

diba one week is 7 days but they made 10 days so they have to work 9days  

but they failed, 

they expect to increase production but instead it decreased and there were many accidents 

so they made again 1 week as 7 days 

you know Sunday is not our day it is lord's day 

that is why we must keep the lord's day amen 

actually we can do nothing without God 

we need God's empowering 

bible says in Isaiah 40;31 

"but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. 

They will soar on wings like eagles" 

when we rely on God we can have a victory 

through his strength we will succeed amen 

romans 8;37 

"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." 

on Sunday we go to church and  renew empower through the Lord who loves us 

so I want all of you to have a victory though keeping the lord's day 

and trust God amen 

3rd) abundance 

Todays passage it says "to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob." 

it means financial blessing 

so if we keep the lord's day God will bless our life 

I will tell you one story in korea 

there is a son of a Pastor who became a pharmacist 

he rented one small store and he opened the pharmacy in Masan city 

and the name of pharmacy is 6days Pharmacy 

he opens his store Monday to saturday only 

and he close his store on Sunday that is why his store name is 6 days pharmacy 

diba on sunday mas marami costomer but he always close on sunday 

and every time when he ride taxi he said let's go to 6days pharmacy 

and taxi driver doesn't know the place 

and he said you don't know that pharmacy? 

that is very famous drug store here in Masan city 

and later on their pharmacy became the biggest in Masan city 

and that store is talagang getting famous 

and when masan people meet in seoul city 

they ask are you from Masan -yes 

do you know 6days pharmacy -of course 

and they said oh kabayan 

brothers and sisters 

once again keep the lord's day 

then we will have a Joy, victory and abundant life 

and I hope that not only we will enjoy this life, 

but we should turn over this spiritual heritage to our children as well. 

may God bless you 

ather once again we thank you this afternoon 

and thank you the massage that you have given to us 

Yes father help us to keep the lord's day 

but not only lord's day but also every day 

help us to worship you and praise you 

help us to worship in spirit and truth. 

so that we could have your joy, your victory 

and abundant life 

thank you father who continue to pour his benefits upon us 

you have elected us 

you have called us 

you have justified us 

sanctified and glorified us 

you was born for us 

you lived and died for us 

and you have given us the blessings of this life 

and father I pray in the name of Jesus 

you continue to protect our life 

help us to remain in your power of love 

and use us to live for your glory and your kingdom 

and help us to live for you alone 

thank you father that you empower us today 

we give all the glory, honor and praise to you 

in Jesus name

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