영어 설교

There is power in unity (Mark 2;1-12) 영어설교

JT Sung 2018. 11. 29. 12:12



Father  we thank you this evening

and we give thanks for all the blessings

and this is the time to hear your words

i pray in the name of Jesus

you bless this time

you bless this place

and you bless your word

Bless your servant

Use your servant  as your mouthpiece

Pour your anointing through your living words

and bless each and every one of us today

once again we thank you for everything

in Jesus name we pray



There is power in unity (마가2:1-12)

Everybody has a problem or difficulties in their lives

Financial problem, health problem,  or relational matter  and so on

Basta every body has a problem when we’re living in this world

One time grace kim says  small church has small problem big church has a big problem

so we laughed once

and yes it is true Even church has problem

Even ABC has problem but still alive

and God is working good work through ABC

and onething more we should know this one 

There is no problem without solution /answer

1 Cor. 10 :13 says

God will not allow the temptation to be more than we can stand.  Amen?

And it says when we are temped God will also provide the way of escape.  Amen

and from todays passagewe will learn something

No1 The solution is near around you  so build a good  relationship with your surrounding

Today there is a paralyzed man

And he wants to meet Jesus but by himself he couldn’t 

so his 4 friends  carried him and brought him to Jesus Amen

because of his friend he met Jesus and had miracle


someone says micheal ray Hopkin says

Leadership is relationship

Ptr sung says

Ministry is relationship

In Korea there is saying

You meet your enemy on the single log bridge 

(meaning / no escape place you will meet your enemy)

So do not make anybody  your  enemy


do you know Onesimus

(In the book of Philemon, there is Onesimus)

He is Philemons Slave

one day Onesimus had robbed his master Philemon's money and fled to Rome

and in the  Rome's prison he met apostle Paul 

and Paul sent him to Philemon back 

Onesimus  stole philemon's money and ran away but they met again 


there is no escape your enimy 

you will meet him someday in somewhere

so do not make any enimy 


****베다니 베똥 캄보디아 미셔나리

****조용기 설교하는 동안- 최자실 기도

높은자리 있을 만난사람 바뀐 시추에이션으로 다시 만난다 

내가 사업할 많이 도와줌 그들이 후원자가


마가5 ;21 

Sinagogue ruller named Jairus  came to Jesus and pleaded with him

My daughter is almost patay pls help her

On the way daughter is talaga patay  

but Jesus says talithakoum (get up)-the girl stand up

because of the father’s faith,  daughter had a miracle amen

누가 7;1 

roman officer (who is Centurion)’s slave is sick and near to die

But Jesus healed  him coz of Centurion‘s faith

And even Jesus says "I tell you, I haven't seen faith like this in all Israel!"

 Becoz of master’s faith, the slave was healed

And todays passage becoz of friend’s faith, he was healed

Brothers and sisters

When we have problem

Sometimes our parents is  our  solution

Sometimes your wife can solve your problem  

Sometimes your friends can help us

Sometime your alumni can help us

So make good relationship around you

Do not make any body your enemy but invest in friendship

Do not forget that “ministry is relationship’


No2 When we have problem  come to Jesus

When the paralyzed man went to Jesus

He was forgiven of his sins and he was healed

Bible says 마태 19 ;26

"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.(x2강조)

God is our solver

And he is able to solve our problems

And he is willing to solve our problem 

So be with God/ walk with God

Bible says in psalms 16; 8 I keep my eyes always on the LORD.~~, I will not be shaken

Specially we are ministers

So we have to be with God always

so bring ourselves, to realize the continual presence of God, 

in happiness or in trouble.

Then nothing can shake us

Continue to fellowship with God

This is we call coram deo life

Coram deo is Latin word 

Coram means before, deo means God 

So it means in the presence of God or before the face of God.

We should live in the presence of God 

We should live under the authority of God

We should live for the honor and glory of God 

Live coram deo life everyday brothers and sisters

하나/ 골목길 무서워함 /개를 무서워/아빠함께 안무서워

하나 /아빠 숙제 /공부 / 아빠 없으면 플레이 친구 / 노워시 스립핑/ 인터넷 롱타임

It is the same

1) if we are with God who will be against us –boldness

2) When we are with God we will not act wrong doing

마가 14;54 when  Jesus was arrested, peter followed Jesus at a distance ( afar off )

Do not follow Jesus at a distance

Enemy becomes near to you

And temptation comes to you

Peter see Jesus from a far place with enemy

And some one says  you are one them

Then peter said I don’t know who Jesus is, what are you talking about

He denied Jesus

And bible says Jams 4;4


Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.


So brothers and sisters

When we follow Jesus

Do not tambay

Peter getting far from Jesus and getting close to enemy

나의 신학교 시절 /채플 예배

So be close to with God

Be with God always

Live coramdeo everyday

Then God’s presence  overcomes our fear /worry

And God’s presence assure us that we have a victory amen

3 never never give up

When they heard that Jesus was home,

They brought the paralyzed man to see Jesus

There was a lot of crowd

So they couldn’t go any further

But they did not gave up

They went up to the roof of the house

And they made hole in the roof

So that the  paralyzed man can encounter Jesus

Brothers and sisters

Some one says there is 3 kinds of person daw 

1st Quitter 

2nd Camper 

3rd Climber 

Quitter ; when they meet  the problem  they do not try to solve it 

Just avoid the matter /and give up

Camper ; 1st time they go up the mountain but when they meet  steep  hill side 

They said tama na I like this place and stop there.

 This is we call complacent (컴플레이쎈트)attitudes

And climber; they have a challenge spirit 

In any situation they try their best 

And I want all of you be a climber 


Brothers and sisters

Life is a like climb the mountain

If you climb one mountain, there Is another mountain  waiting for you

But do not give up

If   north is closed, go to the south

If south is closed,  go to the west

If west is closed, go to the east

And if  east is closed, then

God will open the door of heaven and make a way 

Never never   give up when you meet the mountains

If there is no way  to go, go up to the roof and break it up

Difficulty ? break it up

Poverty? Break it up

Problem? Break it up

Break up your limitation that is the faith

And you will  experience the miracle of God

나의 이야기

나의 출생 – I was born in Christian family

When I come out this church

Im already chistian

And we are Presbyterian

 (as you know Korean strong denomination is Presbyterian )

And 94

 my mother go to prayer mountain –she was 성령세레

after that we transfer to AG  church

coz 장로 교회  마따방 like roman catholic here  Holy~

when we transfer to AG / we can jump when we prays and worship

 we can pray with loud voice ~~

then all our relative come to our house

they said AG is culto –they are crazy group

and my mother said yes we are crazy for Jesus

고등학교 졸업이 가까와짐

아버지 call me and said “sit down” –it is very serious

I live for u for 18 years

Now you go bible school only 1 semester  after that it’s up to you

So I enter bible school

 one day  when we have a overnight prayer in the mountain

at 1st I read bible 히브리서

we have been made holy ~~~ before I know it but now I belive it

we 내가 포함 /2000 나는 이미 holy-coz of Jesus

encounter power of the Holy Spirit….. crying. 콧물 눈물

믿음이 후로 (After faith has come) 3:25 = 에베소서 2; 8-하나님의 선물

1;18 하나님이  마음에 눈에 불을켜서 

the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know- 알게하심

From that time  할렐루야 너무기쁨

그리고 필리핀에옴 선교


  there is power in unity

What does the word Unity mean...Well

 it means oneness, Perfect harmony, All in one agreement,


4명이 함께 하는게 힘들다

마운틴 졸업여행 /학생하나 아파/교인이 실어오는데/

박자를 맞추어야한다 /보조를 맞추어야 한다 /힘들면 빨리 교대


There is saying

Two head is better than one

And bible says  matt.18;19

if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, 

it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.

There is more power to 2 persons praying together than one

There is more power to 3 persons praying together than two

You know God’s calculator is different compared to our calculator

Deutoronomy 32:30


In our calculator 1 chase 1000 than 2 chase 2000

But God’s calculator is 1 chase 1000  2 chase 10000

This is God ‘s mathematics

This is what we call  “synergy effect “

We know  ants

the ant do not work alone 

they always work together 

that is why we call the ants social insect 

you know when they work and one ant is in danger 

the others go and help him 

and when some ants is full and other ants are hungry 

they share their food 

that is their style 

you know Koinonia 

it means communion, fellowship joint participation; the share which one has in anything

the early church come to church every day, eat together, pray together  

share their things together –this is the early church –and they have power

what is the meaning of fellowship 

fellow ride in ship 

we ride in one boat 

we are in the same boat 

brothers and sisters in Christ 

we are family in God 

we are riding the same boat, ABC boat 

whether you like it or not we are ABC Family 

and this mark will follow you till your Grave 

so just love each other help each other 

make harmony with one another in God's love 

make a loving community 

share your sorrow and happiness 

pray together 


you know Jesus disciples gathered in one place and prayed together 

that time the power of the holy spirit came upon them 

and they changed the world 

they are not praying in their house 

they prayed  together in one place 

and we have to know this one 

there is power in praying together amen 

like bonfire 

there is fire

if you separate the wood 

fire will go off 

but even a dying fire,  if you put together the wood 

it will fire again 

there is  a saying "union is strength" 

there is power in unity 

when family unite, family will be blessed 

when church unite,  church will be blessed 

and when ABC stands together, ABC will be blessed Amen


Jesus, we enthrone You

We proclaim You are king

Standing here, in the midst of us

We raise You up with our praise


And as we worship build Your throne

And as we worship build Your throne

And as we worship build Your throne


Come Lord Jesus and take Your place


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