영어 설교

God will finish what he started in us.(영어설교/하나님은 다 계획이 있으시다)

JT Sung 2020. 8. 13. 11:07

Today I'd like to share the massage  through the book of Philippians. 

and the tiltle is "God will finish what he started in us" (Philippians 1:1-6 )

Most of the members of the Philippian Church were Gentiles and pagan, not Jews. 

In other words, they were non believers who had never heard about Jesus Christ . 

but when anthioc church send apostle Paul as a missionnary to Europe ,

through the evangelism of the apostle Paul,

the philippian Church was estabilished 

actually Philippian church was the 1st church in Europe

and most of Philiipian church member

they were all new believers, they were all new begginners 

that is why sometimes thay had new issues and problems arose

Although Phippian church had some problems

God is still working  for them and through them

the Philippian church helped those who were committed to the ministry of the gospel 

they help other church 

they even send love offering to Paul despite having problems within the church


Brothers and sisters 

Everybody has a problem or difficulties in their lives

Financial problem, health problem,  or relational matter  and so on

Basta every body has a problem when we’re living in this world

One time Grace kim (David yonggi cho's wife) says 

"small church has small problem big church has a big problem"

so we laughed once

and yes it is true,  Even church has a problem

Even ABC, we have problem but i tell you something

God is still working Good work through ABC

and God will continue to work  though ABC 


and onething more  we should know this one

There is no problem without solution /answer

as 1 Cor. 10 :13 says

God will not allow the temptation to be more than we can stand.  Amen?

God will make a way even there is no way amen?


through  todays scripture what i want pocus today is  3 things 

1st  We are all partners in the Gospel togethers 

In Korea there is saying

You meet your enemy on the single log bridge 

meaning if you have enimy 

someday you will meet your animy again 

So do not make anybody  your  enemy

we should have good relationship with everybody 

do you know Onesimus (In the book of Philemon, there is Onesimus)

He is Philemons Slave

one day Onesimus had robbed his master Philemon's money and ranaway to Rome

and in the  Rome's prison he met apostle Paul 

and Paul sent him to Philemon back 

Onesimus  stole philemon's money and ran away but they met again 


there is no escape your enimy 

you will meet him someday in somewhere

so do not make any enimy 

****베다니 베똥 캄보디아 미셔나리

***높은자리 있을  만난사람 바뀐 시추에이션으로 다시 만난다 

***내가 사업할  많이 도와줌 그들이  후원자가 됨 

Ptr sung always  say this one to the ABC students 

Ministry is relationship

so do not make anybody to your enimy amen?


Today's passage verse 1 it says  "Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus,

To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons "

Paul and Timothy (as you know Timothy was Paul's disiple)

but now they are together 

we are all partners in the gospel together.

If you are a part of the church,

if you belong to Christ, then you are a partner in the gospel amen?

Paul and timothy were partners in the Gospel togerther 

Ptr sung and Ptr ~~~ were patners in the gospel together 

you know 

The gospel brings people from different backgrounds together

The gospel is the great unifier. 

maybe in this place 

there is 칸카나이 이발루이 이프가오  and kreano but we are all one in Christ

so go together /walk together 

Galatians 3:28 says, 
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

The gospel brings people from different backgrounds together.

so build up good relationship each other 

pray for each other 

and work together for the glory of God and kingdom of God 


2) pray for others 

apostle Paul always pray 

even he was in Prison he never stop prayer 

Apostle paul is the man of prayer 

you know?

As we live as Christians,
The most important thing is prayer

기도를 저츅하라 

So continue to fellowship with God with prayer 

나의 신학교시절 채플예배 1등

마가 14;54 when  Jesus was arrested, peter followed Jesus at a distance ( afar off )

Do not follow Jesus at a distance

Enemy becomes near to you

And temptation comes to you

Peter see Jesus from a far place with enemy

And some one says  you are one them

Then peter said I don’t know who Jesus is, what are you talking about

He denied Jesus

And bible says Jams 4;4

Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.


So brothers and sisters

When we follow Jesus

Do not tambay

Peter getting far from Jesus and getting close to enemy

be close to with God

Draw near to God throu prayer and he will draw near to us amen 


and when we pray , pray for others  amen 

Today's passage  verse 4 

Everytime Paul pray , he pray for the Philipians church 

Like this we also should pray for others 

This is we call it "intercessory prayer"


한국에 많은 기도 중보자

you know, in korea, i have many sponser of prayer

my relative my friend pastors and church leachers are pray for me 

specially my mother, she pray for me every day 

and every time i think some one is pray for me 

It gives me strength.

i'm encouriged 

their prayer is my driving force to continue missionary life-

if not thier  prayer, i already stopped 

Like this pray for others bothers and sisters 

the most deserving prayer is intercessory prayer
The most powerful prayer is praying for others 

pray for your church members 

pray for your pastors 

pray for your nation

pray for who doesn't know Jesus christ 

specially pray for your family amen 

no 3 God will finish what he started in us


나의 이야기

나의 출생 – I was born in Christian family

When I come out this world 

Im already chistian

And we are Presbyterian

(as you know Korean strong denomination is Presbyterian )

 my mother and father go to prayer mountain 

 they got 성령세레

after that we transfer to AG  church

coz 장로 교회  마따방 like roman catholic here  Holy~

when we transfer to AG / we can jump when we prays and worship

 we can pray with loud voice ~~

then all our relative come to our house

they said AG is culto –they are crazy group

and my Father said yes we are crazy for Jesus

고등학교 졸업이 가까와짐

아버지 call me and said “sit down” –it is very serious

I live for u for 18 years

Now you go bible school only 1 semester  after that it’s up to you

So I enter bible school one day  when we have a overnight prayer in the mountain

at 1st I read bible 히브리서 (히브리서 10;10절

we have been made holy ~~~


신학교 후 군대에감 (i enter the army/airborne troops  )

그리고 필리핀에옴  선교

 and when i recall my past 

i remember my old days 

God  had a plan for me 

기독교 집안 태어나고

아버지 통해 -신학교 가게 하고

공수부대 가서 산에서 오르는 훈련 산족선교

동창생들과 교제 잘해서 그들이 내 후원자 /교회건축 

When I look back my life i remember that everything is God's plan 

so I just thank you God for using me in his ministry so far 

and i will stop whenever the Lord tells me TAMANA( you are done here)

and if the Lord  continue to use me i will just obey 

이세상 2가지 문제 

as God had a plan for me also he has a plan for you 

I don't know what is God's plan for you 

but I'm sure that God is working somthing good in you

and i do believe God will finish his plan through you 

this is we call it God's providence (나일강 모세,노아의방주)

so what we have to do is surrender to God 

Trust Him obey to Him and follow His will 

And God is not only completing(컴플리팅) the good work he began in us

But also completing (컴플리팅) the good work he began in the church.

God has plan for this church so He started 

and God will be greatly honored through this church.

God is alpha and omega 

And God always finishes what he begins.